Бандл: Annex 6. Часть 3. Издание 11. Operation of Aircraft. Part III. International Operations. Helicopters
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This edition supersedes, on 3 November 2022, all previous editions of Part III of Annex 6.

Part III was introduced as a means of including provisions for helicopter operations. Initially, provisions related to flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders for helicopters were developed by the Air Navigation Commission following Recommendation 10/1 of the Accident Prevention and Investigation Meeting AIG (1979) and adopted by the Council on 14 March 1986. They became effective on 27 July 1986 and applicable on 20 November 1986. Subsequently, proposals for comprehensive Standards and Recommended Practices covering other aspects of helicopter operations were developed with the assistance of the Helicopter Operations Panel; these provisions, incorporated in Amendment 1, were adopted by the Council on 21 March 1990. The amendment became effective on 30 July 1990 and applicable on 15 November 1990.

The Standards and Recommended Practices included in Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Parts I and II cover the operation of all aeroplanes in international civil aviation, except where specifically excluded. Similarly, the Standards and Recommended Practices in Annex 6, Part III cover the operation of all helicopters in international civil aviation, general aviation as well as commercial air transport operations.

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