Бандл: Doc 10062. Издание 2. Manual on the Investigation of Cabin Safety Aspects in Accidents and Incidents
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Findings from past accident investigations have led to significant improvements in the fields of cabin safety and aircraft manufacturing such as 16G seats, lavatory smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, floor proximity emergency escape path markings, new requirements for cabin and insulation materials and inclusion of human performance training for cabin crew members. These improvements have increased the survivability of occupants involved in later accidents and helped reduce fatalities among passengers and crew. Cabin safety aspects, including survival factors, should be addressed as part of the investigation process. However, these aspects are often overlooked. States and industry may be missing out, therefore, on opportunities for further safety enhancements.

ICAO developed the Manual on the Investigation of Cabin Safety Aspects in Accidents and Incidents (Doc 10062) to encourage the uniform application of the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation, particularly in relation to survival aspects. This manual provides information and guidance to States on the procedures, practices and techniques that may be used when investigating the cabin safety aspects of an occurrence.

The second edition of this manual aligns its content with Amendment 5 to the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868), which contains the overarching provisions and principles for competency-based training and assessment, new definitions, new provisions for cabin investigator training and minor updates to existing provisions. It also contains guidance on examining information on brace positions to better understand injuries sustained during an accident. A new chapter provides guidelines for the reporting of cabin safety aspects in accidents and incidents, including the development of a survival factors group factual report and the survival factors portion of a final report of an accident.

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