Бандл: Doc 10068. Издание 1. Manual on the Development of a Regulatory Framework for Instrument Flight Procedure Design Service
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The instrument flight procedure (IFP) is an essential component of the aviation system. Every day, thousands of aircraft around the world are flying instrument departure, arrival or approach procedures to airports in every country. It is a responsibility of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Member States to provide an instrument flight procedure design service (IFPDS) so operators are able to fly safe and effective IFPs.

Many States, however, are still struggling with the implementation of an IFPDS. Contributing to this is the lack of a standardized ICAO regulatory framework for the service, as well as guidance material to support this. As a result, in some States, instrument flight procedures are developed and published without appropriate regulatory involvement by the State, and in some cases, they may even be completely unregulated.

To address this, ICAO adopted Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) in Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services regarding State responsibility for an IFPDS. This manual provides guidance on how a regulatory framework for the provision of an IFPDS may be implemented. This guidance material aims to enhance compliance with the IFPDS SARPs found in Annex 11. 

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