Бандл: Doc 10086. Издание 1. Manual on Information and Instructions for Passenger Safety
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Survivability in an aircraft accident is dependent on multiple factors. Certification standards for crashworthiness and ditching are designed to enhance passenger survivability. Cabin crew evacuation procedures further improve survivability. Passengers’ survival rates are improved when they are informed about the correct use of equipment and the actions they should take in the event of an emergency situation. ICAO standards address the need for passengers to receive safety information on board aircraft. Well-informed, knowledgeable passengers have a better chance of surviving a life-threatening situation on board an aircraft. Therefore, States should require operators to communicate specific, accurate information and instructions to passengers in a variety of methods to facilitate understanding. These methods include verbal briefings and visual safety information such as passenger safety briefing cards. The Manual on Information and Instructions for Passenger Safety (Doc 10086) provides guidance on ICAO provisions in Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I — International Commercial Air Transport — Aeroplanes, on the safety-related information and instructions that an operator should provide to passengers. The information contained in this document is also applicable as guidance to meet ICAO requirements found in Annex 6, Part II — International General Aviation — Aeroplanes and Annex 6, Part III — International Operations — Helicopters. Additionally, the manual presents guidance for airworthiness standards related to passenger information signs, markings and placards that should be located in the cabin. It also addresses other aspects related to the safety of passengers on board aircraft, including considerations for persons seated at emergency exit rows, recommended brace-for-impact positions and sample commands used by cabin crew members to instruct passengers in the event of an emergency.

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