Бандл: Circular 358. Издание 1. Regional and National Aviation Safety Plan Checklists
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This circular complements the 2020-2022 edition of the GASP and Doc 10131, Manual on the Development of Regional and National Aviation Safety Plans. It provides a means for a region or State to verify that its aviation safety plan, when being developed or modified, is complete and consistent with the GASP. Both the GASP and Doc 10131 present the minimum content that should be included in a RASP or a NASP (Doc 10131 also presents templates for both plans). Regions and States do not need to replicate these templates. However, they should ensure their RASP and NASP contain the minimum content proposed in the GASP, regardless of how it is presented. The checklists included in this circular can be used to identify missing content regardless of whether the aviation safety plan is based on the Doc 10131 templates or not.

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