Бандл: Circular 284. Издание 1. Privatization in the Provision of Airports and Air Navigation Services
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The guidance in this circular takes into account the wide range of circumstances faced by providers of airports and air navigation services in various regions and individual States. It is nevertheless based on the international policies and principles on airports and air navigation services management that States have developed through ICAO. The basis for these policies and principles is set forth in Article 15 of the Convention. Extensive guidance for Contracting States was developed by the Council and is contained in ICAO’s Policies on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 9082), which was revised and updated by the Council in December 2000. The guidance material presented in this circular is consistent with and complementary to the guidance provided in both the Airport Economics Manual (Doc 9562) and the Manual on Air Navigation Services Economics (Doc 9161) and takes into consideration relevant recommendations adopted during the Conference on the Economics of Airports and Air Navigation Services (ANSConf 2000, Montreal, 19–28 June 2000) and subsequently approved by the Council.

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