Бандл: Circular 293. Издание 1. Regional Differences in International Airline Operating Economics: 1998 and 1999
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This circular has been prepared pursuant to ICAO Assembly Resolution A33-19, Appendix G, which requests the Council to instruct the Secretary General to issue periodically “a study on regional differences on the level of international air transport operating costs, analysing how differences in operations and input prices may affect their levels and the impact that changes in costs may have on air transport tariffs”. This study on Regional Differences in International Airline Operating Economics succeeds one which covered the years 1992 to 1997 and was published in 2000 (Circular 280-AT/117). Prior to that, similar studies were published annually under the title Regional Differences in Fares, Rates and Costs for International Air Transport, which covered the years 1976 to 1992 (the 1992 results were published in Circular 254-AT/104). The studies will now be published biennially or every other year, although data will continue to be collected and analysed on an annual basis. The present circular focuses on the years 1998 and 1999.

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