Бандл: Doc 9889. Издание 2. Airport Air Quality Manual
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Доступ на: 1 год
Цена: 20 893 руб
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This manual covers an evolving area of knowledge and represents currently available information that is sufficiently well-established to warrant inclusion in international guidance. This manual covers issues related to the assessment of airport-related air quality that are either specifically within the remit of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (such as main engine emissions) or where there is an established understanding of other non-aircraft sources (such as boilers, ground support equipment and road traffic) that will contribute, to a greater or lesser extent, to the impact on air quality. This second edition of the manual includes chapters on the regulatory framework and drivers for local air quality measures; emissions inventory practices and emissions temporal and spatial distribution; completed emissions inventory (including a detailed sophisticated aircraft emissions calculation approach); dispersion modelling; airport measurements; mitigation options; and interrelationships associated with methods for mitigating environmental impacts. Throughout the document, additional references are provided for those interested in exploring these topics in further detail.

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