Бандл: Doc 9980. Издание 1. Manual on Privatization in the Provision of Airports and Air Navigation Services
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Many changes have occurred in the past two decades in ownership and management in the provision of airports and, to a lesser extent, air navigation services. The changes have generally been thought of as “privatization.” However, these changes can take various forms, and while they generally reflect a move away from government ownership and management, they do not necessarily (and indeed rarely) denote outright privatization per se, particularly as regards ownership. This underlies the need expressed by States for guidance from ICAO in this area.

This manual responds, in part, to that need. It: a) presents information on developments taking place in various parts of the world in ownership and management in the provision of airports and air navigation services; b) provides definitions and analyses of the options available, together with the possible implications of these options; and c) discusses major issues to be examined by States when considering a change in ownership and management. It also brings to the notice of States important provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300) and other ICAO policy and guidance documents regarding regulatory measures and the need for providing safeguards. 

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