Бандл: Annex 8. Издание 13. Airworthiness of Aircraft
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This edition supersedes, on 3 November 2022, all previous editions of Annex 8.

This Annex contains the Standards and Recommended Practices for the airworthiness of aircraft. Part I of the Annex provides definitions. Part II contains general airworthiness procedures applicable to all aircraft together with the standard format for the certificate of airworthiness. Part IIIA contains the minimum airworthiness characteristics of aeroplanes over 5 700 kg for which application for certification was submitted on or after 13 June 1960. Part IIIB contains the minimum airworthiness characteristics of aeroplanes over 5 700 kg for which application for certification was submitted on or after 2 March 2004. Part IVA contains the minimum airworthiness characteristics of helicopters for which application for certification was submitted on or after 22 March 1991. Part IVB contains the minimum airworthiness characteristics of helicopters for which application for certification will be submitted on or after 13 December 2007. Part V contains the minimum airworthiness characteristics of aeroplanes over 750 kg but not exceeding 5 700 kg for which application for certification will be submitted on or after 13 December 2007.

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