Бандл: Doc 9672. Издание 1. Report of the Limited Middle East (COM/MET/RAC). Regional Air Navigation Meeting
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The Council, at the fourteenth and sixteenth meetings of its 147th Session on 13 and 15 March 1996 and the Air Navigation Commission at the seventeenth meeting of its 141st Session on 7 March 1996, acting under authority delegated by the Council, took action as indicated in the Attachment hereto, on the Report of the Limited Middle East (COM/MET/RAC) Regional Air Navigation Meeting (1996) [LIM MID (1996)].

In accordance with the Directives to Regional Air Navigation Meetings (Doc 8144/6), the UM Mm RAN meeting classified some of its actions as "Conclusions" with the intent that they would not require formal action by the Council or the Air Navigation Commission. 1bis explains the gaps that occur in the sequential numbering of recommendations and conclusions in the attached table. A complete list of recommendations and conclusions are contained in Section (iii) of the introductory text in the report of the meeting (Doc 9672).

The recommendations and conclusions of the meeting, unless otherwise qualified in the text or in the action taken thereon by the Council or by the Air Navigation Commission under delegated authority, apply only to the Contracting States whose territories or dependencies are located partially or wholly within the geographical area considered by the meeting and to the Contracting States located outside that area, which have notified ICAO that aircraft on their register or aircraft operated by an operator whose principal place of business or permanent residence is located in such States, operate or expect to operate into the area, or which provide facilities and services affecting the area.

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