Бандл: Doc 10170. Издание 1. Manual on Economic and Financial Analyses for Aviation Infrastructure Projects
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At the Fifth Joint Meeting of the Airport Economics Panel (AEP) and the Air Navigation Services Economics Panel (ANSEP) (AEP-ANSEP/5), held in May 2015, a working group was established to develop guidance material incorporating recommendations made by the Multi-disciplinary working group on the economic challenges linked to the implementation of the aviation system block upgrades (MDWG-ASBU) on: a) cost-benefit analysis, business case study and economic impact analysis, and b) financing scheme (recommendation AEP-ANSEP/5-1/1 refers). The Sixth Joint Meeting (AEP-ANSEP/6), held in May 2017, further recommended to develop a standalone guidance document on economic and financial analyses. In December 2021, the guidance document was adopted by the Eighth Joint Meeting (AEP-ANSEP/8).

The objective of this manual is to provide practical guidance to States, airport managing and operating entities, air navigation services providers and designated charging and regulatory authorities in conducting analysis to support investments decisions in aviation infrastructure.

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