Бандл: Doc 10056. Том 2. Издание 1. Manual on Air Traffic Controller Competency-based Training and Assessment. Volume II. On-the-job Training Instructor (OJTI)
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The division of the Manual on Air Traffic Controller Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc 10056) into Volume I — Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Volume II — On-the-job Training Instructor (OJTI) was accomplished in 2021 as a result of the work conducted by the ICAO Competency-based Training and Assessment Task Force (CBTA-TF). Prior to 2021, all Doc 10056 material was contained in a single document. Since then, the material contained therein has been updated for publication as the second edition of Volume I, which provides guidance to support the implementation of competency-based training and assessment for air traffic control officers (ATCOs) and expands on the procedures included in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868). Volume II of Doc 10056 focuses on the OJTIs, and provides guidance on how to identify the competencies necessary for their environment and how to design the training and assessment needed for their development.

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