Бандл: Doc 10097. Издание 1. Training Instructors Guide
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ICAO is concerned with the global performance of aviation systems and supports the operation, procedures, and management of these systems. As part of its commitment to achieving optimal performance and meeting its key strategic objectives, ICAO provides training courses and certifies training personnel through its Global Aviation Training (GAT) team.

This training may take many forms, including online training (e-learning), classroom training and on-the-job training (OJT). Many training programmes include elements of all of these types. Like in the aviation industry as a whole, consistent international standards must be achieved. As such, aviation training design must be:

a) standardized and specific;

b) strictly regulated;

c) based on predefined competencies;

d) strictly evaluated; and

e) continually updated and revised.

ICAO recognizes the need to train instructors in the competencies required to deliver standardized, competency-based training courses to the required standards. These competencies are manifested and observed through behaviours that bring together the relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to carry out the activities and tasks associated with instruction, under the specified conditions. Instructors with these competencies will be able to deliver effective training that supports the desired competencies and job performance of aviation professionals, which in turn contributes to the safety and efficiency of air transportation.

This Training Instructors Guide is intended to be used as a reference guide for the ICAO Training Instructors Course, Part 2 (TIC2), and as a reference for aviation training instructors who are working towards or have completed the ICAO instructor qualification process. It will provide instructors with information and guidance to:

a) achieve the performance criteria contained in the ICAO Adapted Instructor Competency Model; and

b) effectively deliver ICAO courses (ICAO Training Packages (ITPs), TRAINAIR PLUS Standardized Training Packages (STPs) and conventional courses in the field of civil aviation.

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