Бандл: Doc 10206. Издание 1. Manual on Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Training
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Цена: 7 418 руб
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This manual supersedes Cir 298 in its entirety. It includes updated and expanded guidance as well as an adapted CBT model for accident and incident investigators. The investigation of an aircraft accident or incident is a wide-scope activity.

<span class="ql-cursor">Therefore, some investigations will be curtailed by the resources available, unless proper management of the investigation is exercised. The investigator-in-charge is responsible for ensuring that an investigation extracts the maximum benefit for the safety of aviation within the constraints of the resources available. The investigator-in-charge must have the experience to direct the investigation in a manner that ensures that resources are used to the maximum effect and not misspent on irrelevant lines of investigation. At the same time, the investigator-in-charge must also ensure, as much as is practicable, that relevant lines of investigation are terminated as soon as they have achieved the level beyond which further expenditure of resources would not be significantly beneficial for the enhancement of safety.</span>

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