Annex 10. Edition 4
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Part 111 - Procedures Annex 10 - Aeron,aurical Tciecontmmicatit I 2.3.-Hours of Service 2.3.1 The competcrt authority shall give notification of the normal horns of service of stations and offices of the intel-national acroirautical rcleconrnuni- cation service under its control to the aeronautical telecomnunication agencies designated to receive this information by other administrations concerned. 2.3.2 Whenever necessary and practicable, the competent autbority shall give notification of any change in the normal houra of service, before such a change is effected, to the aeronautical telecommunication agencies designated to receive this information by other admi- nistrations concerned. Such changes shall also, whenever necessary and practicable, be included in Notices to Airmen. 2.3.3 If a station of the inter- national aeronautical telecommulication service, or an aircraft operating agency, requests a change in the hours of service of another station, such change shall be requested as soon as possible after the need for change is known. The tati ion or aircraft opera tin agency requesting the change shall be informed of the result of its request as soon as possible. 2.4.1 Each State shall designate the authority responsible for ensuring that the interriational aeronautical tele- comnlunication service is contluctcd in accordance with Parts 111 and 1V of this Annex. 2.4.2 ECOMMENDATION.- Occasional infringements oj the Procedures contained herein, when not serious, sh0u.U be dealt 7wiO by dircci comirruniiation be- tween the flaties irnmodzaleiy znteresbd either by correspondence or by personal contact. 2.4.3 When a station cotnmits SPI-ioue or repeated infringements, re- presentations relating to then1 shall be made to the authority designated in 2.4.1 of the State to which the station belongs by the authority which detects them. 2.4.4 RECOMMENDATION. - The authorities designated in 2.4.1 should es- changr infarmdion regarding the perfor- mancrr of sysfems of commcricaon, radio- nnciatinn, opernbion and nruinfenance, unusual transmission phenomena, ek. Each State shall ensure that there is no wilful transnlission of unnecessary or anonymous signals or correspondence by any station within that Statc. Before authorizing tests and experi- ments in any station, each administfa- tion, in order to avoid harmful inter- ference, shall. prescribe the taking of all possible precautions, such as the choice of frequency and of time, and the reduc- tion or, if possible, the suppression of radiation. Any harmful interference resulting fronr tests and experiments shall be eliminated as soon as possible. Chapter 3,-General Procedures for the International Aero- nautical Telecommunication Service The ProcerIures outlined in this chapter are general in character and shall be applied where appropriate to the other chapters colltaitied in this Part. Notc.-Detaded Procedures, with secial apfiliation to the service concerned, are con- tained iin Chafltcrs 4, 5, 6 ond 7. 3.2.-Extensions of Service and Closing Down of Stations 3.2.1 Stations of the interna- tional aeronautical telecornminicatioi service shall extend their normal hours of service as required to provide for traffic necessary for flight operation. 3.2.2 Before closing down, a station shall notify its intention to all other stations with which it is in direct cornrnunicition, confirm that an extension of service is not required and advise the time of re-opening if other than its normal hours of service. 3.2.3 When it is working regu- larly in a network on a conlmon circuit, a station slrall notify its intention of closing down either to the cortrol station, if any, or to all stations in the network. It shalI continue watch for tao minutes and may then close down if it bas re- ceivcd to call during this period. 3.3.-Acceptance, Xransmissiun nnrl Delivery of Messrigen 3.3.1 The responsibility for de- termining the acceptability of a rnrtssagr shall rest with the station wherc the message is originally Aa.nded in. LTnce 2. message is accepted, it shail he trans- mitted, relayed, and jur delivered in accordance with the priority classih- cation and without discrimination or delay, on the understanding that. the authority in control of any station through which a message passes, may make representations at a later date to the authority in control of the accept in station regarding any message which is considered unacceptable. 3.3.2 Unless otbor..vise provided for in the following pai-ngraphs, only those messages coming ivi thi n tbc ca ce,- gories specified in to inclusire,, and 5.1.6 shall be accepted for transmissior by the aeronautical telecorrmunicatiun service. 3.3.3 Only ncssages for sta- tions forming part of the aeronautical telecommunicntion selvice shall be ac- cepted for transmission, except. wlrece special arrangements have been made with the telecommunication authority concerned. ilcceptance as a eizgle message ol a messagc intended for two or more addressees. whether at the same station or at cliffel-znr stations, shall be permitted. 3.3.4 RECOMMENUATICN. -- itr he absence oj srcc.imtly rapid cconmtrcial lelecornnuziolion services bctulcra 0n.y anr.7 points of the aerono-utical fixed ielccotnrnri- nication nelzuork, the grtercll mrcaj oerating cgcncy ntessagss jwescrib.l -5 shorrld bc accctxl for lrairrissiui ouer the neromilical fixed nuation rcbacrh under conditions .urhih the nccepliy State corsidcrs oppopriaiz. Stales may, tAroiih bilaferai or rtznlti- krkral arrangements, es bblish comrnor conditions. 3.3.5 Messages handled for air- craft operating agencies shall kc accepted only when handed ill to the telecornni.- nication station in the form rescrib,l3 herein and by an autlorizcd rei3resci- tative of that agency, or when receiver'. from that ngerlcy oker ari authorizcl circuit.
Anna 10 - Aeronautical Telecomrnun.ications 3.3.6 For each station of the in each station of the aeronautical. tcle- aeronautical telecorlnrinication service communication service except that an from which messages are delivered to one aircraft station, when using radiotelc- or 111orc aircraft operating. agencies, a phory ill direct communication with an single office for ear11 aircraft operating aeronautical station, need not maintain agency shall be designated by agreement a telecommunication lo. between the aeronautical telccommu- nication agency and the aircraft oper- ating agency concerned. 3.3.7 Stations of the inter- latiollal aeronautical teleconununication service shall be responsible for delivery of nlessages to addressees located witliir the boundaries of the aerodromes served by that station and beyond those boindaries only to such addressees as rnay be agreed by special arrangements with the administrations' concerned. 3.3.8 Messages shall be deliv- ered in the form of a written record, except where facilities for voice record- ing are in use. Note.-The telecomn.unicatim log will serve as a protection, should the operator's walch acliv.lies be investiglfd. Il may be required as legal evidence. RECOMMEND AT ON.- When a record zs mairlained in an air- crafl station, either in a radiolelephone log or elsewhere, concern,irtg distress cwrrr- mtmications, harmful interjererce, or inter- ruption t,o commnications, S.UG o record should be nssocialed wilh ,i.yfortnal.ion concarwing the time and the position, mLd altitude of the aircraft. 3.5.2 111, written logs, cntrics shall be made only by operators on duty except that other persons having know- ledge of facts pertinent to the entries may RECOMMENDATION. - IT certify in the log the accuracy of operator's cases where lelephone or 1oudspeaRer entries. syslenrs are used witho,lit recording facilities jor the delivery of messages, a zvritten toy shozltl he provided, as corrnratior of delivery, as soon as possib2e. 3.3.9 Messages received by an aeronautical station from aircraft in the form orescribed in 5.2.1 and 5.3.5. and which require tl-ansnission over the aeronautical fixed service, shall be pre- pared in the forrn prescribed in 4.1.3 prior to onward transmission clvcr the fixed service, except where, subject to tlle provisions ol 3.3.7, prior arrangemenis have been made for predetermined distri- bution without speciGc address of rouliie messages from aircraft. 3.5.3 All entries shall be corn- plete, clear, correct and intelligible. Superfluous marlcs or rotations shall not be made in the log. 3.5.4 In written logs, any ne- cessary correction in the .log shall be nmde only by the person making thc inilia1 entry. 'fhe cot.rcctiot shall be accolaplishcd by drawing or typing a single line through the iricorrect entry, initialling same, recording the time and date of correction. The correct entry shall be made on tbe next line after the last entry. 3.4.-Time Systcm 3.5.5 Written logs shall be retained Cor a period of at least lliriety 3.4.1 ih M i lays and uomatic telecoluilunication GMT shall be used by all scLltions in logs lor a -period of at least thirty clays. the aeronaLltical teecoInmunicaion serv- When logs are pertinent to irluiries ur ice. Midnight -shall be desigllatcd investigations they shall be repained for 2400 for the end of the day and 000 longer pcl-iods nnlil it is evidelt that for the beginning of the day. they will be no longer required. 3.4.2 A datc-time grolp shall 3.5.6 Tlrc following infornalion consist of six figures, the frst Iwc figures shall becntel-cd in written logs rqresentirlg the date of the rnonth and rz the name of the agency operating the last four figres the hours ant1 1ni11- the sta.tio11 utes in GM'T. b the ideniihca'iion of the station 3.5.-Itccord of omrnunicitliunc c the late 3.5.1, A teleooniiunication log, d thc. tirr.1 of olening nd Posir written or automatic, shall Ile mainclined the latiun e the signature of each operator, wit11 the tillc the operator assumes and relinquishes a watch f the frccluencies being guarded and type of watch continuolrs or sch,eduled being maintained on each frequency g except a't iltermediate mechanical relay slations where the provisions of this paragraph need not he complied with, a record of each communication, test transmission, or attempted com- murlicatioll showing text of cornrnu- nication, time communication com- plctcd, stations cornrnunicated with, and fl-equency used. The text of the comminicaiion may" be omitted from the log when copies of the lliessages handled are available and Eorrn part of the log h all distress cornrnuicatiors and action thereon ,i- a brief description ol commoni- cation conditions and difficulties, in-- clclinp harrrful interference. Such entries sholld include, whencvar prac- ticable, the time at which interference was experienced, the character, radio frequency and identification of the interfering signal j a brief description of interruption -10 comniurlicatiorls due to equipment failure or other troubles, giving the duration, of the inlerruption and action taken k such additional illformation as may be considered by the operator to be of value as a part of the recorrl oE Llle station's .operations. l'rnnsnz.itted messages. 'Transmitted rlessages shall show the date md tille of translnission, operltorls idenlilication, circuit message ntmber and call sign or the l-ecciving stalio. lilncniocd wessagcs. Re- ceivccl riessages shall sbow the receiving operar.or's identification, aril the date and dnle at which receplion was com- letecl. ...-IECOMUING OF UNUSUAL UlILAYS, FAlLURES To KLICGlVP, ETC. Unsuul circlmstnnccs may nrisc occa- sionally which recluire expl-ieion regard- ing delay of a message, I'rilre to receive acklowledgcncnt of I-eceipl, elc. In such
Ann cx 10 - Aurorruldticnl Telecomrnunicndon s Note.-The following example - illlslratcs the afifilicqtion oj this proced,urc RKCOMMNDATION. - If COJUC CUIIILO be 18-established willpin a reu.suvroblc pcriud on the nornral fixed scrnicc circrrr't, nrr upprupriute ulternutive circrit should 6t. zised. If possible, ntlcnal shirtrid be rnlrde to eslnblish ccrnzuication olr LLY ll/horized jixerl sdrvicc circuit rivrr ihlrls. End of work. The end of work betweerr. two stations shall - be inclicated by each - of them by means of the signal VA, followed by its own call sign. Station XNNN wishes ta infornt station LRRD to cancel a ,lnessage identified as circuit message nulnber WSY 6 of .the 12th day of current moath . LDDD DE XNNN QTA WSY 6/12 'Ilhe signal VA shall also be iised If these atternpts fail, Irre of ally available air-ground frequency sllall be peruitted only as an exceptional arl lclllporary rlleasure whcn no inter- 6er.ence to aircra,lt in flight is assured. a when the transnlission of messages of a gcncral Fture, meteorological ilformatioli and general 5lfety notices is finished The station ci111relli11 i trailsinivsion shall be responsible for illly further action required. b when tl-allsmission is ended in long-distance radiotelegraph and iele- cornrnunicatiun scrvices with dcfcl-red aclinowledgrn-cnt of receipt 01- without acknowledgement of rcceipt. Chapter 4.-Aeruna1-r t icuP Fixed Service Where a radio circuit fails clue lo signal or ad\ferse propa- giltion coidilions, a receiving watch shall be laintainrcl on the I-cgular fixed service fl.eclrelcy normally in LISE. In order ro rc-establish contact on this froqllcuc\. is soon as possible, a series of the letler V Collowcd by the call sign of 'the ransrnitting station shall be transmitted at regular intervals for of riot longer than three minutes. Stations co1111ritr nicatig regularly with each other may dispcnse with the usc of the signals AI I, VA, etc wliez no confsion ,is lilidy to arise. All comlln ica iris sllilll be routed by the most cxprclitiolrs I'Ollte available to elfect delivery tr the acl- dressec. A staion experiencing a. circuit or cguiplient failure shall promptly notify other statiolls with which it is ilz direct commuication if the failure will affect. traffic routing by those statioas. Restoration to iornlal shall also be notiGe.l to the same stations. Altt.l.nrivc p.c-lcer- mined routing irrnngcmcils sllill be rlntle, when necessary, t o exletlitc lle rllove- mcnt of coir1municatio11 traflic. 3.10.1 Messages shall bc cancel- led by a t,elecommunicatiun s.rtion only when cancellation is authorizerl- by ilie originator. Note.--Cancellation 7nay be aw.lhorized by separate service haessmges or through the procedure speci'ed in As suol as ic is all,lrelt that it will be illlpossillr ro Jislrlse of trafic over the aeronaulical fixed service within a reasonable periocl, ancl when the trafic is held at llle slaiorl wlere it was filed, thc originator shrill be colsltcd rcgarding further aclion t be cllcn, unless 3.10.1,l Incomlctc trarksrnissions. Xf a message has not been colnpletely transmitted when instructions to cancel are received, the station trar,smitting the message,shall instrlct the receiving station to disregard the incomplete transniuuiun. This shall be effected in radiotelegraphy by sending the signal QTA twice and in radiotelephony by use of an approprkie phrase. Ionpojrent parts. All inessages, other than chose excepted in 3.3.9, shall coiprise in the fnllo\ving older a otherwise agreed Ietween the sta- tion concernerl and tlie originittor or I heding L preamble b ar-ratlgernents exist whereby delay- ed traffic is autolnatically diverted to cornnlercial telecollrlirinication services withowt reference to the originalor. 6 adrlress ri rexL c signature grdup if 11sedj f oding if any. Conrpleted transnrissians. RECOMMENDATION.-.II. a can.rfilsled message trflnstwiasio.n is 6ei,tg hekl psnd,kng carreckh nd the recezning station ,is to 6e informed to take no forwarding action, 07 when delivery or onward rslay ca.rcaat be accomplished, lrwsntission skozld be can- celled. This shculd be efected Note.-The express-im "reasorrnble fie- rimd" merms n perz'ud of lirtze such thut il scems p7nhable Ilznt lle trajic zuill bc delivered IU Iiie addressee urifhirr any red trunsil prriotl ublicalrc to the category qf 17afi oncerned, or, alternuliveby, any pre- deteuntined period aereed betwen ar.iinifors and the telecutmzrnicuiwa statinlz co1cer7zed. 4.1..1.2.1 fhc Iieadirlg shall coal- prise in tlc followiig orcler see also 4.4.-1.2 1 1 ,l-nnsrlission idcntihcatir,r.r except. as rovitlcd for in a in radiotelegrphy by s'rtJrg Q 7'A fallowed by the circuil nsSaRE ilnzber lo be caricelled and 6 I.OLILII line ape relay nyrcrarior 011ly G trtllsilittilg instrrciorl if re"., r111ir-cd. Sloulcl colmriiraion 011 a norrnil hxetl scrvicc circrit fail, ihc SLICOII concernerl shall atielrl1,t to re- eslallisli contact as soon IS possilrlc. b in radiotelephony by use of a up- profirialrs plzrase ,followed by the S.TGZLL wessage number to be crzncelled.
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