Check-List qf Amendments to Annex 10, Vol,. I Third Edition incorporating Amendments 1 to 50 Amendment 51 adopted by the Council on 11 December 19 72 . Replacement pages 3, 6, 7, 8, 70, 70A, 70B, 71, 74A, 76 and 104. nendment 5 2 adopted by the Counef 1 on 31 May 1973. Replacement pages 3, 4, 6-8, 9-25, 39-41, 62, 66-708, 74A, 74B, 76-83, 90-93, 109, 110, 115-117, 129, 130, 135, 141, 143 and 144. Amendment 5 3 adopted by the Council mn 7 Dededaer 1973. Replacmat pages 7, B end 12. Effectivs Date 24/7/72 11/4/73 714 1 74 Date of Applicability 7/ 12/ 72 16/8/73 23/5/74 A
AMENDMENT 53 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERONAUTICAL TELECOWNICATIONS Annex LO, Vol. I, to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following new and replacement pages in Annex 10, Vol. I Third Edition, to incorporate Amendment 53 which becomes applicable on 23 May 1974 a Pages 7 and 8 - Foreword b Page 12 - Part I 2. Record entry of Amendment on page 2.
Foreword Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications Amendment 53, which affects only Volume I of Annex 10, resulted from Council action in pursuance of Assembly Resolutions A17-10 and A1 8-10, was adopted by the Council on 7 December 1973, and became effective on 7 April 1974. The amendment introduces provisions relating to practices to be followed in the event that an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference. initially became applicable and, when amended from time to time, are indicated below i Annex 10 initially became ap- plicable on 1 April 1950. ii Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ments 1-3, became applicable on 1 January 1952. xix Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 34, became applicable on 1 August 1960. ,TX Annex 10, as amended by Arnendments 35 and 36, became ap- plicable on 1 January 1961. Xi Annex 10, as amended by Amendtnents 37 and 38, became ap- plicable on 1 July 1961. iii Annex 10, as amended by xxii Annex 10, as amended by Coincident with the adoption of Arnend- ments 1-5, Arnendmen ts 7-1 1, Amendment Amendments 4-5, became applicable Amendment 39, became applicable on 14, Amendments 15-16, Amendments on 1 April 1952. 1 January 1962. 1720, Amendment 27, Amendment 32, iv Annex 10, as amended by .t-xiii Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 33, Amendment 36, Amend- Amendment 6, became applicable on Anledtnent 40, became applicable on ment 3 8, Amendment 39, Amendment 40, 1 September 1952. 1 November 1963. Amendment 42, Amendment 45, Amend- ment 47, Amendment 48, Amendment 49, Amendment 50, Amendment 51 and Amendment 52 to the Standards and Recommended Practices, the Council approved amendments to the Attachments to certain Pats of the Annex. Relation of the Convention to the Application of the COM Standards The Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Telecomrnuni- cations are applicable to facilities and services provided for international air navigation. Their purpose is to con- tribute to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation by securing through their world-wide applicatioll the highest practicable degree of uni- formity in the provision of radio naviga- tion aids and communication lacilities, methods of operation, procedures and codes. The fulfilment of tliis purpose i.s dependent on implementation by States of Article 28 of the Colvention, which imposes an obligation in respect to the provision of facilities and services and the adoption of communicatioll pro- cedures and codes. In addition, the ap- plication of the Annex to these facilities and services, and their successful opera- tion, are dependent on compliance with the conditioils imposed by Article 15 of the Convention. Relevant conditions are a that the facilities and services be made available under uniform condi- tions to all civil aviation b that the fornlula and basis for the computation of any charges made for the services provided be published. Applicability The dates at which Standards and Recotnmended Practices in Annex 10 v Annex 10, as amended by Amendments 7-12, became applicable on 1 April 1953. vi Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 13, became applicable on 1 October 1953. vii Annex 10, as anlended by Amendment 14, became applicable on 1 June 1954. viii Annex 10, as amended by Amendrllents 15-16, became applicable on 1 April 1955. iz Annex 10, as amended by Amendments 17-20, became applicable on 1 October 1955. x Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 21, became applicable on 1 October 1955. xi Annex 10, as amended by Ameldment 22, became applicable on 1 December 1956. Ai Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 23, became applicable on 1 March 1956. xiii Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 24, became applicable on 1 December 1956. xb Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 25, became applicable on 1 January 1956. AT Annex 10, as amcnded by Amendments 26, 27 and 28, became applicable on 1 Decclnbet 1956. I. Annex 10, as amended by Amendments 29 and 30, became ap- plicable on 1 December 1957. mfii Annex 10, as amended by Amendments 31 and 32, became ap- plicable on 1 December 1958. xviii Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 33, became applicable on 1 October 1959. xxizl Annex 10, as Amendment 41, became 1 January 1964. xm Annex 10, as Amendment 42, became 1 November 1964. amended applicable amended applicable xxzvi Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 43, became applicable on 1 February 1965. x.wii Annex 10, as amcnded by Amendment 44, became applicable an 10 March 1966. x.miii Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 45, became applicable on 24 August 1967. sri-r Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 46, became applicable on 8 February 1968. xxx Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 47, became applicable on 22 August 1968. xxxi Annex 10, as amended' by Amendment 48, became applicable on 18 September 1969. x-rxii Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 49, became applicable on 4 February 1971. .r-rxiii Annex 10, as amended by Atnendment 50, became applicable on 7 Deccmber 1972. xxxiv Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 51, became applicable on 16 August 1973. xxxu Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 52. became applicable on 23 May 1974. xxxvi Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 53, became applicable on 23 May 1974. 23/5/74 -- Nos. 52 and 53
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