Transmittal Note AMENDMENT No. 2 TO THE SUPPLEMENT TO ANNFX 10 - VOL.- I1 -THIRD EDITION AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS To incorporate Amendment No. 2 1. Replace pages 111 to VI by the attached new pages 111 to VL. 2.. Delete the entry for Japan. 3. Insert the attached new. and replacement pages. 4. Record this amendment on page I1 of the Supplement.
Supplement to Annex 10 - Volume IT. Third Edition 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Contracting States their national regulat Practices of Annex 10, listed below have notified ICAO of differences which exist between ions and practices and the International Standards and Recommended Volume 11, Third Edition, or have commented on implementation. The page numbers shown for each State and the dates of publication of those pages correspond to the actual pages in this Supplement. A revised Table of Contents will be issued with each amendment to the Supplement. Date of Date of Pages publication Pages publication lnd ex Argentina Australia Benin Brazil Canada Congo Democratic Kampuchea France Gab on V-VI 23 Mar. 1 20 Jun. 1 23 Mar. 1 20 Jun. 1 20 Jun. 1 20 Jun. 1 20 Jun. 1 20 Jun. 1 23 Mar. 1 20 Jun. Greece Indonesia Madagascar Malawi Mexico New Zealand Philippines Senegal Togo United State Zaire 1 23 Mar. 1984 1 20 Jun. 1980 1 23 Mar. 1984 1 20 Jun. 1980 1 20 Jun. 1980 1 23 Mar. 1984 1 20 Jun. 1980 1 20 Jun. 1980 1 20 Jun. 1980 s 1 20 Juu. 1980 1 20 Jun. 1980
Supplement to Annex lo - Volume IT Thlrd Edition -- V Suypl8mcnf Mffzrencec 3 l'hnerc 10 - Volume I1 roisicic BdltLon 23/3/84 Saplemento del Ancxo 10 - Voluwen I1 ercera cdlc-lbn ' nonnenne K JIOXPHHO 10 - TOM LI Tpeae aonauee INDEX - TABLEAU RECAPITULATIF - INDICE - CBOAHAfl TALflMUA
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