Annex 12. Edition 4
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Check-Liet of Amendments to Annex 12 I Fourth Edition incorporating Arnendmente 1 to 4. Amendment 5 approved by the Council on 13 April 1962. Amendment 6 approved by the Council on 3 June 1964. Replacement pages 5 and 8. Effective Date 1/5/60 I Date of Applicability 1/8/60 1/11/62 See Foreword
AMENDMENT 6 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices SEARCH AND RESCUE Annex 12 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 12 Fourth Edition to incorporate Amendment 6 which became applicable on I. July 1964 a Page 5 - Foreword b Page 8 - Chapter 2. 2. Record entry of Amendment on page 2.
FOREWORD Hiatorical background In December 1946, the Search and Res- cue Division, at its second session, made recommendations for ' Standards and Recommended Practices for Search and Rescue. These were developed by the Secretariat and the then existent Air Navigation Committee, and were duly submitted to the Council. The proposals were not accepted by the Council in the form in which they were presented and, on 20 April 1948, were referred back to the Air Navigation Committee for further consideration. A further draft Annex was then developed in the light of experience gained at Regional Air Navigation Meet- ings and eventually was approved in principle by the Air Navigation Com- mission and circulated to States for com- ment. Further development was made by the Air Navigation Commission as a result of States' comments and the res- ulting proposals were adopted by the Council on 25 May 1950 and designated as Annex 12 to the Convention on Inter- national Civil Aviation. The Annex be- came effective on 1 December 1950 and came into force on 1 March 1951. At its third session, held in Septem- ber 1951. the Search and Rescue Division made recommendations for amendments to the Annex. These were reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission and transmitted to Contracting States for comments in October 1951. These rec- ommendations were again reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission, during Februaty 1952, after the receipt of States' comments and were adopted by the Council as Amendment 1 to the Annex on 31 March 1952, became effect- ive on 1 September 1952 and became applicable on 1 January 1953. Third Edition. - The third edition incorporated provisions arising from the romrncndations of the Second Air Navigation Conference Montreal, Au- gust-September 1955 which resulted in Amendment 2 being adopted by the Council on 8 May 1956. This became effective on 1 September 1956 and ap- plicable on I December 1956. Amendment 3 originating from a proposal of the Third Air Navigation Conf erelice Montreal, September- October 19.56 for amendment of An- nex 6 Amendment 140 to Annex 6, Chapter 6 refers was adopted by the Council on 13 June 1957. The amend- ment became effective on 1 October 1957 and applicable on 1 December 1957. Fourth Edition.-The present edition incorporates provisions arising from the recommelldations of the Rules of the Air, Air Traffic Services and Search and Rescue Divisions Montreal, October- November 1958 which resulted in Amendment 4 being adopted by the Council on 8 December 1959. This be- came effective on 1 May 1960 and applicable on 1 August 1960. Amendment 5 was approved by the Coincil on 13 April 1962. This atnend- ment incorporated into Attachment A certain changes to the extracts from Alnex 11 Air Trafic .Crrmirr.r presetit- ed therein, to accord with an amendment to the provisions in Arrlex 11, Chapter 5 - Alcrtivbg Scrzlicc, adopted by the Coun- cil OII the same date. The Council au- thorized irlcorporatio of this material on 1 Novemher 1962, the date when the amendment to Ailncx 11 became ap- plicahle. Arnendinent 6 was approved pursuallt to the Council's adoption of Amcndlnent 4 to Annex 9-Facilrtcrtiob and is ap- plicable on I July 1964, the date of ap- plicahility of the said anleldment to An- nex 9. It incorporates changes to the ex- cerpt frm Amex 9 given in the Note to paragraph 2.1 of Chapter 2 in this Annex. Applicability The Standards and Recommended Practices in this document govern the application of the "Regional Supplement- ary Procedures - Search anrl Rescue", contained in Doc 7030, in which docu- ment will be found subsidiary procedures of regional application. Annex 12 is applicable to tile establish- ment, maintenance and operation of search and rescue services in the ter- ritories of Conttacting States and over neighbouring seas, and to the coordina- tion of such services wit11 those of neighbouring States. Action by Contracting States Notifccaioic of diferences The atten- tion of Contracting States is drawn to the oblipation imosed by Article 38 of the Convention, referred to in the Coun- cil's Resolution of Adoption of this Annex, by which Contracting States are required to notify the Organization be- fore 1 July 1960 of any difference that will exist on 1 August 1960 between their national regulations and practices and the International Standards con- tained it1 this Annex as now amended. Contracting States are invited to extend such notification to any differences from the Recommended Practices contained in this , Amex, when the notification of such difference is important for the safety of air navigation, and, further, to keep the Organization currently informed of any differences which may sub- sc-quently occur, or of the withdrawal of any difference previously notified. Use of the text of the Annex in ational regulations The Council, 011 13' April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the attention of Contracting Siates to the desirability of using in their own national regulations, as far as practicable, the precise language of those ICAO Standards that are of a regulatory character and also of indicat- ing departures from the Standards, in- cluding any additional national regula- tions that were important for the safety or regularity of air navigation. Wher- wer possible, the provisions of this An- nex have been written in such a way as would facilitate incorporation, with- out major textual changes, into national legislation. General information An Annex is made np of the follow- ing component parts, not all of which, however, are necessarily found in every Annex they have the status indicated 1.-Materiol conaprising the Annex proper a Standards omd Rcommended Prac- tices adopted by the Council under the provisions of the Convention. They are defined as follows Stondord Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, matCriel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of inter- national air navigation and to which Contracting States will conform in accordance with the Convention in 1/7/64 No. 6
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