Annex 15. Edition 1
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ATTACHMENTS TO ANNEX 15 Introduction to the Attachments presentation af .the material included in to lead to the inclusion in Annex 15 of an Attachments A and B, wherever a tabular official list having the statua of an appen- The Attachments to Annex 15 are intended only for the guidance of Con- tracting States in the interest of uniform- ity and do not form part of the Standards and Recommended Practices - Aero- nautical Information Services. The Attach- ments are a refinement of similar material appearing in the Attachments to the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aeronauticcrl Infwmation Services PANS AIS, Doc 7 106-AIS/501. Attachments A, B, C and D are directly related to Chapter 4 of the Annex. Attachment A gives details of the data which are to be included in Aeronautical Information Publications under the gen- eral subjects listed in 4.1 .I. Attachment B lists material for which no specific pro- vision is made in the Annex but which would form useful additions to Aeronau- tical Information Publications. Attach- ment C gives specimen formats for the form appears to .be appropriate. Attach- ment D Is a specimen page layout for AIP's, for either textual material or index charts and diagrams. The specimens forms are arranged in the same sequence as the material included in Attachments A and B and have been designed to accomodate typewritten material using elite type at 12 spaces to the inch. Attachment E is a specimen format for the first page of NOTAMS given Class I1 distribution. In Attachment F are listed abbreviations suitable for use in the dissemination of aeronautical information. This list, based on the aforementioned PANS - AIS, is a tentative one pending the completion of a comprehensive study by the Secretariat in accordance with Recommendations 14 through 18 of the First AIS Division Doc 7323-AIS/502. Those abbreviations, which already have official status by vir- tue 'of their inclusion in other Annexes, are indicated by an asterisk. The Seere- tariat's study of abbreviations is, intended dix. In addition to the publication of the detailed material contained in Attachment A, it is desirable that each main subject included in Aeronautical Information Publications be prefaced with certain introductory material normally consisting of a a statement of the organization or administration which is responsible for the operation of facilities, the pro- vision of services or the application of procedures covered by the AIP b the general conditions under which the services or facilities are available for international use c a reference to any significant national differences from Standards and Recommended Practices as notified to ICAO d suitable indices to the material contained in the AIP. ATTACHMENT A DETAILED LIST OF ITEMS RELATED TO SUBJECTS INCLUDED IN AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICATIONS See 4.1.1.-Specimen forms are contained in Attachment C. 1ems of lesser imporlance. 1 .-AERODROMES 10 Hours of clearance services. 3 Location of aerodrome reference pint in relation to aerodrome features. 1.1 Inkrational airports Ref. 11 Limitations or qualifications as a -See Form 1 to the use of the aerodrome. 4 Distance and direction of aero- drome from centre of the city or town. 1 Name of the city or town which 12 Remarks, including availability the aerodrome serves. Name of the of a direct transit area and any direct 5 Elevation of the highest point of aerodrome. transit arrangements. tbe landing area. 2 Designation of the aerodrome as a customs airport under Article 10 of the Convention on 1 nternational Civil Aviation. 3 Designatin of the aerodrome as a sanitary aerodrome under the Inter- national Sanitary Regulations. 4-6 Type of traffic permitted to use the aerodrome scheduled, non-scheduled, private. 7-9 'Types of clearances available 1.2 Aerodromes available for use by International Commercial Air Transport -Land Ref. b -- See Form 21 1 Name of the city or town which the aerodrome serves. Name of the aerodrome. 2 Latitude and longitude of aero- drome reference point as determined in accordance with Annex 14, Part 11, 6 Aerodrome reference temperature. 7 Transition altitude. 8 Magnetic variation and annual change. 9 Operator or controlling authority. 10 Operational hours of the awo- drome. 11 Postal address. 12 'Telegraphic address. cusfoms, immigration, health. 2.1.2. 13 Cable address.
Annex 15-Aermuticol Information Srvh 14 Telephone number. 15 Overnight accommodation. 16 Restaurant accommodation. 17 Medical services and facilities available yes m no. 18 Transportation available at the aerodrome. 119 Name of nearest railway station. 20 Locationof nearest railway siding. 21 Cargo handling facilities avail- able at the aerodrome or at railway siding. 22 Grades of fuel available for civil aviation. 23 Grades of oil available for civil aviation. 24 Limitations regarding refuelling facilities i.e, prior notice and whether facilities are limited. 25 Hangar space available for visit- ing aircraft - heating available yes or no. 26 Repair facilities normally avail- able. 27 Crash vehicles and/or launches available. 28 Availability of the following day markings approach, obstruction, boundary, strip, taxiway longitudinal, taxiholding position, runway designation, runway thresholds, runway centre line, runway side strip, runway touchdown zone, runway edge, aerodrome identification sign, signal area, landing direction indicator, wind direction indicator, snow markings. 29 Local flying restrictions and re- marks. 30 ,Runway numbers Mag.. 31 Take-off run available. 32 Accelerate-stop distance avail- able. 33 Take-off distance available. 34 Landing distance available. 35 Meteorological data required for applying take-off performance require- ments, including the mean daily maxi- mum and minimum temperatures by months or seasons and the monthly mean pressure and absolute humidity at approximately the times of maximum and minimum temperatures. 36 Seasonal availability. 37 Strength of each runway. 38 Longitudinal slope of the run- ways, stopways and clearways, in- cluding variations in slope. 39 Taxiway width and surface. Taxiway strength if significantly dif- ferent from ICAO Standards. 40 Apron area given in terms of length and width apron surface. 41 Snow removal services yes or no. 42 True bearings of runways to nearest degree. 43 Actual length and width of each runway, each stopway, each clearway. 44 Length and width of each strip. 45 Type of runway surface. 46 Elevation of each runway thresh- old. 47 Compass base. 48 Characteristics of the aerodrome and /or identification beacon. 49 Description of the approach or lead-in lighting system. related as necess- ary to specific runways. 50 Indication of runway provided with threshold lights. 51 Indication of runways provided with runway lighting. 52 Indication of runways provided with angle-of-approach lights. 53 Availability of the following lighting facilities obstruction, boundary, range, taxiway, flood. 54 Indication whether signal area, wind direction indicator and landing direction indicator is lighted. 55 Emergency lighting available. 56 Obstructions in approach areas. 1.3 Aerodromes avaiIrrbk fw use by International Commercial Air Transpt - Wakr Ref. 4.1 .l. 1 b - See Form 31 1 through 36 - Identical to ikms liskd fw krnd aerodromes, substituting "chunnel" for "runway" whemer a propriate See 1.2. 37 Surface conditions and tidal range. Water - salt or fresh. 38 Mooring and docking facilities. Towing launches. 39 Embarking and disembarking facilities. 40 Control launch. 41 Surface obstruction removal equipment including number and type of boats available for keeping movement area clear of ice or other surface ob- structions. 42 True bearings of channels to nearest degree. . 43 Actual length and width each channel, each clearway. 44 Minimum depth of channels at low water level. 45 Diameter and depth of turning basin at low water level. 46 General delineation and descrip tion of movement area. Type of bottom.- 47 Compass base. 48 Characteristics of the aerodrome and/or identification beacon. 49 Description of the approach or lead-in lighting system related as neces- sary to specific channels. 50 Indication of channels provided with threshold lights. 51 Channels provided with channel lights dorrbk row. 52 Landing paths provided with' single row or range lights. 53 Availability of the following lighting facilities obstruction, boundary, range, taxiway, flood. 54 Indication whether signal area, wind direction indicator and landing direction indicator is lighted. 55 Emergency lighting available.
Annex 15-Aeronautioal Infomution Services 56 Obstructions in approach areas. 10 Operator or controlling authority 4 Type of emission. and remarks including water conditions 5 Time of emission. 1.4 Aerodrome directory. -. - swelt, currents, tides and ice. Land Ref. -See Form 41 6 Method. 1 Name of the city or town which 1.6 Aeronautical beacons Ref. 2.3 lvavigation systems Ref. Name of the 4.1.1 .l c - See Form 61 the aerodrome serves. b - See Form 91 aerodrome. 1 Name of the city or town or other Name of station or chain. identification of the beacon. 2 Coordinates of aerodrome refer- 2 Type of service available position ence point. Distance and direction of 2 Typeof beacon. line or fixing seroice . the aerodrome from the centre of the 3, Characteristics of the idcn- 3 Method of identifiation fie- city or town. tijication characters where applicable. quency or coding. 3 Elevation of the highest point on 4 Operational hours of the beacon. 4 Type of emission. the landing area and aerodrome refer- 5, Power of the light in 5 Frequencies chnml number, basic ence temperature. 1000 IC. pulse rate, recurrunce rate, as aficable. 4 Direction of runways or landing 6 Latitude and longitude of the 6 Hoursof operation. beacon. paths. 7 Latitude and longitude of the 5 Actuallengthand widthof .-COMMUNICATIONS station. each runway, 8 Name of operating authority of each stopway, 2.1 Radio communication and the facility if other than the normal each clearway. navigation facilities Ref. a - See governmental agency, and remarks. Form 71 6 Gradients average slope of each 9 Service areas and associated ac- runway. 1 Name of the station. curacies througbut the 24 hours. 2 Types of service available. 7 Type of runway or landing sur- face. 3 Identification assigned to radio -METEOROLOGY aids. Call sign assigned to communica- 8 Runway strength. tion facilities. 3.1 Znternalional index sum- 9-12 Lighting facilities approach, Type of emission for each fie- ben allocated to meteorological swims, threshold, runway, and other. quency. hourly reports of which are disseminuted for use in international air navigotiow 13 Ground services including stor- 5-61 Frequencies used for ground to f- age, fuel and other accommodation. air transmission. 14 operator or controlling author- 7-81 Frequencies guarded by ground 3.2 Meteorological ofices I. ity. temarks. station. b - See Form 101 9 Hours of operation for each 1 Name of the meteorological office. 1.5 Aerodrome directory - service. 2 Class of meteorological office. Water Ref.4.1.l.1.1 - See Form 51 10 Latitude and longitude of the 3 Name of the main 1 Name of the or town which tmnsmitting antenna to the nearest ofice serving a dependent meteoro- the aerodrome serves. Name of the minute of arc receiving antenna for logialoffice. aerodrome. direction-jnding stations. 4 Operational hours of the meteoro- 11-12 Magnetic bearing and dis- logical and any prior notice re- ' '' refer- tanc in nautical miles and tenths of quire. ence point. Distance and direction of the facility from aerodrome referenm the aerodrome from the centre of the Note. - Operational hours should be point if no reference point is established given for each class of service h- city or town. then from a Pint, merit C, Form 10, column 2 3 Elevation of the highest point an except in the case of specific facilities by a particular meteorological the landing area and aerodrome refer- aligned for use with instrument runways. ence temperature. 5 Language or languages used by 13 Remarks including Power in the the for meteorological briefing 4 Direction of landing paths or antennae, if applicable, languages used and in meteorological documents fur- channels. in radiotelephony. if other than that of nished to Right personnel, the country in which station is located, 5 Actual length and width and name of operating authority of 6 'The working charts used or each channel, facility if other than normal civil displayed at the office. each clearway. government agency. 7 Telephone number s of the mete- 6 Significant depths. 2.2 Time signal, Ref, a OrO1ogical office' 7 Mooring and beaching facilities. - .ye, F 81 3.3 Special responsibilities of 8 Lighting facilities. 1 Name of station. meteorologial ofices Ref. c. 9 Ground service including storage, 2 Call sign. Including responsibility for aduawed fuel and other accommodation. 3 Frequencies. meteorological planning, jigkt netewolo- I/ 101 65
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