Annex 7. Edition 5
Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
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International Standards AlWex 7 to the Converrth on International Civil Aviation Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks This am hapomm 8n nsnm a- by the Coundl prior to 18 Feha y 26035 and supersedes, on 27 November 2003, all previous editions of Annex 7. For InfmWh rwmdkrp mbllRy of the Standards, see Foreword. Fifth Edition hrly mw
Published in separate English, Arubic, Chinese, French, Russian mzd Spunish editions by the Internatinnu Civil Aviurim Orgm1iurion. All correspondence, except orders and stbscripriots, slzould be iuddressed to the Secrelun Gtrneral. Ordcrs sliould be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance by bank draft, cheque or money ordcr in L.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the ordcr is placed. Credit card orders American Express, hlastercard and Visa arc accepted at lCAO Headquarlcrs. Innrniriorai Civil ..\viation Orgunizarian. Attentioil Document Sales Unit 999 Urlvcrsity Street. Montreal. Quebec. Canada H3C 5H7 Telephone I 511 953-8022 Facsimile 1 514 954-6769 Sitatea YULADYA E-mail E,yyt. ICAO Regional Director. middle East Office. Egyptian Civil Aviation Complex, Cairo Airport Road, Helicpolis, Cairn 11776 Telephone 11 3 267-3840 Facsimile 20 2 367-4843 Sitatex CAICAYA F,-incc,. Dirccteur regional de I'OI'ICI. Bureau Europe ct Atlantiquc Notd. 3 his, villa mile-Bergerat. 92523 Ncuilly-sur-Seine Ccdex Telephone 33 1 46 41 85 85 Fax 33 I 16 -11 5 10 Sitatex PAREUYA India. Oxford Rook and Slationery Co.. Scindia Housc, New Dellii 110001 or 17 Park Street. Calcutta 700016 Tclephone 9 1 1 1 331-5896 Facsimle 9 1 1 332-2639 Jupan. Japan Civil Aviation Promorion Foundation. 15-12, 1-chome, Toranomon, Minntc-Ku. Tokyo Tclephonc Sl 3 3503-2686 Facsimile XI 13 303-2689 Keny. IC40 Regional Director. Eastern and Southern African Office. United Nations Accommodtion. P.O. Box 46294. Nairobi Telephone 254 2 622-395 Facsimile 254 2 276-7063 Sitatex NBOCAYA Mc.urco. Director Regional de la OACI. Oficina KorteamErica. Cenuoamerica y Caribe hlasaryk No. 29-3er. piso. Col. Chapultepcc Morales. Mixico. D.F., 11570 Tel6lono 42 55 52 50 32 l I Facsimile 52 55 52 03 27 57 Sitatcx MEXCAYA Nigerilz. Landover Company. P.O. Boa 3165. Ikeja, Lagos Tclephonc 234 1 4979780 Facsimile 234 1 4979788 Sitatex LOSLORK Peru. Dircctor Rcfiional dc la OACI, Oficina SudamCrica. Apartado 41 27, Lma 100 Telrifono 51 I 302760 Facsimile 51 1 640393 Sitatex LIMCAYA Kussiol Federutiur. Aviaizdat, 48, 1. Franko Street, Moscow 121351 Telephone 7 095 417-0405 Facsimile 7 095 417-0154 Seegnl. Direzteur rCgional de I'OACI. Bureau Afrique occidentale et centrale, Boite postalc 2356, Dakar TCICphonc 221 6-23-5-1-52 Fax 121 8-23-69.26 Sitatex DKRCAYA Slor,akiu. Air Traffic Services of the Slovak Republic, Lctov.2 previdzkovC sluzby Slovenskej Republiky. State Enterprise, Lctisko .MR. Stefhika, 823 07 Bratislava 21. Slovak Republic Telcphonc 421 7 4857 11 11 Facsimile 421 7 4857 2105 Sntrrh Africo. Avex Air Training Pty Ltd., Private Bag X102. Halfway House, 1685, lohanncsburg, Republic of South Africa Telephone 27 I li 3 15-000314 Facsirnile c27 1 1 505-3649 E-mrril Spain. X.E.N.A. - Aeropuertos Espaaolcs y Navegacihn A6rea. Calle Juan Ignacio Luca dr Tena. 14, Planta Tcrcern, Dcspocho 3. 1 I, 28027 Madrid Telefono 34 91 321-3145 Facsimile 34 91 321-3157 Correo-e Thailand. ICAO Regional Director, Asia and Pacific Office, P.O. Box 1 I, Samyaek Ladprao, Bangkok 10901 Telcphonc 6G 2 537-8189 Facsimile 66 2 537-8199 Sitatex BKKCAYA L'nired Kingdom. Airplan Flight Equipment Ltd. AFE, la Ringway Trading Estatc, Shadowmoss Road, Slanchcster M211 5LH Telephone 44 161 499 0023 Facsimilc 44 161 499 0298 E-mail IVurid Wdc Web Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio-visual Training Aids Issued annually, the Catalogue lists all publications and audio-visual training aids currently available. Monthly supplements announce new publications and audio-visual training aids, amendments, supplements, reprints, etc. Available free from the Document Sales Unit, ICAO.
lnternational Standards Annex 7 to the Convention on lnternational Civil Aviation Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks This edition incorporates all amendments adopted by the Council prior to 18 February 2003 and supersedes, on 27 November 2003, all previous editions of Annex 7. For information regarding the applicability of the Standards, see Foreword. Fifth Edition July 2003 lnternational Civil Aviation Organization
The issue of amendments is announced regularly in the ICAO Journal and in the monthly Supplement to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications ad Audio-visual Training Aids, which holders of this publication should consult. The space below is provided to keep a record of such amendments. RECORD OF AMENDMENTS AND CORRIGENDA ii
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