Check list of Amendments Date of Applicability Third Edition incorporating Amendments Nos. 1 to 8 Amendment No. 9 approved by the Council on 24 March 1972 Amendment No. 10 approved by the Council on 21 March 1973 Amendment No. 11 approved by the Council on 29 May 1973 Amendment No. 12 approved by the Council on 11 December 1974 Amendment No. 13 approved by the Council on 8 December 1975 Amendment No. 14 approved by the Council on 9 December 1977 Amendment No. 15 approved by the Council on 26 February 1979 Amendment No. 16 approved by the Council on 11 March 1981 Amendments Nos. 17 18 approved by the Council on 14 December 1981 and 11 June 1982 Amendment No. 19 approved by the Council on 15 March 1985 Replacement pages 0-5 to 0-8, 1-1 to 1-9, 2-1 to 2-8, 3-1, 6-1 to 6-2, 8-1 to 8-3. 6 January 19 72 7 1972 16 August 1973 25 May 1974 9 October 1975 12 August 1976 10 August 1978 29 November 1979 26 November 1981 9 June 1983 21 November 1985
Amendment No. 19 to the Procedures for Air Navigation Services ICAO ABBREVIATIONS AND CODES Doc 8400/3 1. Insert the following new and replacement pages in PANS-ABC Third Edition, to incorporate Amendment 19 applicable on 21 November 1985 a Pages 0-5 to 0-8 Foreword b Pages 1-1 to 1-9 Abbreviations - DECODE c Pages 2-1 to 2-8 Abbreviations - ENCODE d Page 3-1 e Pages 6-1 to 6-2 Abbreviations - ENCODE For Identifying AFS Messages Designation of Typical Radio-communication Emissions f Pages 8-1 to 8-3 The NOTAM Code - PREFACE Record entry of Amendment on page 0-2.
Foreword Doc 8400/3 0-5 FOREWORD 1. Introduction This document contains abbreviations and codes approved by the Council of ICAO for world-wide use in the international aeronautical elecommunication service and in aeronautical information documents, as appropriate, and uniform abbrevi- ated phraseology for use in pre-flight information bulletins, with the status of Procedures for Air Navigation Services in abbreviated form the PANS-ABC. c that abbreviations should make use of the root word or words and should be derived from words common to the working languages except that where it is impracticable to apply this principle to best advantage, the abbreviation should follow the English text d that the use of a singular or plural form for the signifi- cation of an abbreviation should be selected on the basis of the more common use This document is the outgrowth of study by the Air e that an abbreviation may represent grammatical variants of Navigation Commission in consultation with States in the the basic signification where such application can be made matter of controlling and co-ordinating abbreviations and without risk of confusion and the desired grammatical codes. It brings together all abbreviations and codes for use in form can be determined from the context of the message. aircraft operations with the following exceptions With respect to the latter principle, several variants are given for a number of abbreviations where it might not be a Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies, Aeronautical obvious that the variant is appropriate or acceptable. Authorities and Services promulgated in Doc 8585. b Data designators and geographical designators for meteorological bulletins given in the Manual of Aero- nautical Meteorological Practice Doc 8896. 3. Specifications governing the use of abbreviations c Aeronautical meteorological codes given in the Manual of Specifications governing the use of the abbreviations and Aeronautical Meteorological Practice Doc 8896. codes are contained in the following ICAO Annexes and PANS d Additional abbreviations for restricted use in AIS docu- ments given in the Aeronautical Information Services a use of abbreviations in the aeronautical information Manual Doc 8 126. service 3.4.4 of Annex 15 e Location Indicators given in Doc 7910. b use of the NOTAM Code 5.5 of Annex 15 0 Aircraft Type Designators given in Doc 8643. C use of abbreviations and codes in the international aero- nautical telecommunications service 3.7 of Annex 10, Table A shows the origin of each edition of the PANS- Volume 11 ABC issued since 1964 and subsequent amendments thereto, together with a list of the principal subjects involved, the dates d use of abbreviations on aeronautical charts 2.2.3 and on which the amendments were approved by the Council and 2.8 of Annex 4 the dates on which they became applicable. e use of abbreviations in plain language meteorological messages Chapters 4, 6 and 7 of Annex 3 2. Principles for formulation of abbreviations F use of abbreviations in air-reports 14 of Part 11 and Appendix 1 of PANS-RAC Doc 4444 The principles applied in the formulation of ICAO abbrevi- g use of abbreviations and designators in flight plans and ations are other air traffic service messages Part VIII and Appen- dices 2 and 3 of PANS-RAC Doc 4444. a that allocation of more than one signification to a single abbreviation should be avoided except where it can be reasonably determined that no instances of misinterpret- ation would arise 4. Status b that allocation of more than one abbreviation to the same The Procedures for Air Navigation Services PANS do not signification should be avoided even though a different use have the same status as the Standards and Recommended is prescribed Practices. Whilst the latter are adopted by Council in pursu- 21/11/85 No. I0
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