Annex 10. Издание 3
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AMENDMENT NO 14 TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDET PRACTICES AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS TO THE C0NYENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION Amerdment 14 b Annex 10 Standards and Recommended Praetlces - Aerutrautical Telecamdcah becomes effective en 1 May 1954 and ia to be apphd with effect from 1 Juxe 1954. The amendment, as given on the attached pages, applies to Pm 1 of hx 10, Third Edition. INTERNATIONAL CIVB, AVIATION OIZGANIZATION
Amendment No. 14 to Annex 10 1 Aeronautical Telecornrnunications PART I - EQUIPMENT Add - in paragraph 2. 1.2.1, a new reference a so that the paragraph will read "2. 1.2. 1 Non-visual aids to final approach and landing that do not conform to the Standards in Part I, 3. 1. 1, 3. i. 2 and 3. 1.6.1 a shall not be described by the term 1LS.I' Delete 3.1. 1 c reading "c 3 VMF marker beacons and associated monitors" and substitute in lieu thereof "c VHF marker beacons and associated mnitors". Add - the following text immediately after the'heading 3.1.3. - VHF EQUISIGNAL LOCALIZER AND ASSOCIATED MONITOR 'The specifications of 3. 1. 3 shall be complied with in full except that- the requirements expressed in 3.1.3. 3 and 3. I. 3.4 concerning coverage and -radiation in directions other than 20" sector centred on the "on courset' line may be varied'if suppression of radiation wholly or in part in any or all of these directions is necessary in order to meet the requirement of 3. 1.3. 1.6 conce,rning localizer bends. If variations are necessary, the radiation patterns shall conform as closely as'possible to those specified in 3. 1. 3. 3 and 3, 1, 3,'4 consistent with the requirement of 3. 1. 3. 1.6. If radiation is suppressed or the signal characteristics are ambiguous in a significant portion of the sector outside the 20" sector centred on the course.of the localizer a suitable navigation aid that will give orientation information shall be provided. Note 1, - Guidance material to assist in determining the application of the foregoing is given in Attachment C to this Part of the Annex. Note 2. - A locator at the outer marker has in practice proved to be a satisfactory aid for orientation purposes. I' Amend 3. 1.6. 1 to read a There shall be two marker beacons in each installation except that a third may be added whenever in the opinion of the Competent Authority, an additional beacon is required because of operational procedures at a particular site. . . b - The ma'rker beacons shll conform to the requirements prescribed in this 3. 1. 6. When the instal1nlion comprises only two marker beacons, the requirements applicable to thr middle marker and to the outer rnarker shall be complied with. c The marker bearuns shall produce vertical radiation patterns to indicate prcdctermined distances from thc ILS reference point alon thc ILS descent path. 'I
Amendment ,No, 14 to Annkx 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications Amend "3. 1.6.3. 1 a Inner marker when installed 3 seconds plus or minus 1 secondv. Amend 3. a to read "3. 1.6.4. 1 a Inner marker when installed 3000 c/s. " Amend 3. 1.6. 5, 1 a to read 3. 1 6 5. 1 a lnner marker when installed 6 dots per second continu'ously. It Delete the whole of 3. 1.6.6, Siting, and substitute in lieu thereof Siting. 3. The marker beacons shall be located as follows a Inner marker when installed 75 metres 250 feet plus or minus 8 metres 25 feet, from the landing th.reshold at the approach 'end of the runway and at least 60 metres 200 feet to the left of the centre line thereof with the antenna cf the.marker near or on the extended centre line of the runway. Note.,- - It has been found desirable that the antenna be sited not more than plus or minus 30 metres 100 feet from the extende'd centre line of the runway. b Middle marker 1050 metres 3500 feet plus or minus 150 metres 500 feet, from the landing threshold at the approach end of the runway and at not more than 75 metres 250 feet from the extended centre line of the runway, c Outer marker 3.9 nautical miles plus or minus 300 metres -1000 feet, fom the landing threshold at the approach end of the runway andat not moye than 75 metres 250 feet from the extended centre line thereof, 3. 1. 6.6. 2 Th-e positions of marker beacons shall be pub-lished in accordance with the provisions of Annex 15. Note 1. - See Attachment A to Part I, 2. 2. 2, regarding the siting of inner and middle marker beacons. Note 2. - Where locators are installed at both the middle and the outer marker positions it is desirable that they b located where practicable. on the same side of the extended centre line of the runway in order to provide a track between the locators which will be mare nearly parallel to the extended centre line of the runway.' Add - a new sentence following the text of 3. 3. 1. 1 a.s follows "Where the ILS is uplcrrlented by only one locator beacon it should be sited at the same location as the VHF outer marker beacon. 'I
Amendment No. 14 to Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications ATTACHMENT A TO PART I Add A new paragraph 2, 2.2 in the following manner and text immediately after 2.2.1 The following recommendation was made by the Council at the 14th meeting of its 20th Session 11 December 1953. 2.2.2 The Council recommends that in respect of the standard siting of the inner and middle marker beacons contained in Part 1, 3, of Annex 10, Contracting States give attention to the more recent considerations summarized in the report af the First Air Navigation Conference as follows- "1, Experience of operation of ILS has shown that 1 the inner marker does not provide the pilot with any information essential to a successful approach it is not intended to imply that the information it provides is of no service to the pilot in some circumstances 2 the middle marker is of increasing importance in obtaining coordination with visual aids and also, as expressed clearly by the Fourth Session of the OPS Division, it has been found increasingly necessary to give the pilot earlier distance indication than is provided by the standard siting Doc 7 151-0/609, page 94. 2 Experiments conducted by one State at one location since Fourth OPS have indicated that a distance af some 1500 metres 5000 feet from the approach end of the runway is giving good operational results but this does not justify making the 'old siting non-standard at the present time." ATTACHMENT C TO PART I a new paragraph 7 as follows 7. - Guidance on operational aspects of improving the performance of the ILS localizer in respect to bends 7. 1. - Introduction Owing to site effects at cettain locations it is not always possible to produce with simple standilrd ILS installations localizer courses that are sufficiently free from troublesome bends or irregularities. At such instal- lations it will often le possible to reduce bends and irregularities in the localiaer course to a satisfactory extent by various methods most of which require acceptance of some dc-viation from the specification for ILS set forth in Annex 10 3rd edition together will1 possible penalties from an operational aspect.
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