Annex 15. Издание 1
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AMENDMENT 3 TO THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES ANNEX 15 TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION FIRST .EDITION, SEPTEMBER 1953 Amendment 3 was adopted by the Council on 16 April 1987. The Amendment became effective on P Sepkmbet 1987 and will become applicable on 1 December 195'7. The Amend- ment is incorporated in the attached pagem which should be subedtuted for the correspaading pages In Annex 16. INTERNATIONAL CBVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATBON
cluiptcr l.-Ihlii ti on \Vhcn the lollo\r.ing tcrllru arc tscil in lhc Slilnilirtls i1.11t1 12cct111111c11tlctl I'LIC- liccs for \crontical 111for1uatio11 Scrv- ices. thcy have the follo\vinl ucilnips ..I crornrt/irl ZnJurral ill I'rrDlicrrf ion. A piblicition isalcd by or wilh .the u- thority of I Sttc and coliiinig ilcronall- tical inlurnalion ol u Ilsing charicicr essctinl to iiir nvigition. Danger area. A spccilicd itre within or over which there rllily exist ictiviics constiturinr a puteniial iliulgcr in aircraft flying ovcr it. Inlcrnrrliunai nirport. Any airport dcs- ignated by the Cotrirctirg Siate in whose territory it is situied IS III irpori of entrv and dcprture lor interntioal air iraflic, where the foralities illciden lo custons, inlligraion, 111blic leillth, ngrictllural quirartine anrl similar pro- cedures are curried ou. Znterntrlional NOI'AM Ojfice. AII otiicc designlleil by a State Cur the cxchinge of NO'I'ALIS iternnionally. Afnnuvrirp ureu. 'I'lrni pirrt , of an neroclronu io he tsecl for lle ike-oil ii.d landing of ilircraft. iilrl lor the rnovcn.icn1 of aircraft nssociatecl with take-oCf nd lallding, Morrercnf urcu. I'lat pari of 1111 ueio- rlromc illtclrdrd lor the surlilcc nlovelncni aircraft. iZ'09'A Af. A nolice coltiiing infornn- rion collcertling the clitrLlishnent, condi- tion or change in any aerollarlticnl facility. eervice, procedure or hlrzlrtl, the timely kno\\,ledge nI which is esrcntinl to per- sonnel cvnccrrcd wih fllgl opera ti on. Class 1' dislrilulinn. Iiutrihtion rncktIs of lclcconnnici\lio. Class II distri6rrtinn. Iliutribtion by n1elnsrihcr than ielcconuunica iiot. Icsiric/l,d arlBn. I\ sljcciliccl irreil within the liiltl it.cis of il' Stte or terriloriill utnteru Idjcut tlercto, clesinated for other than air traffic coltrnl purposes, ovcr which the fliht of aircraft is restrictctl in iccorililncc viih ccrtiin speciiicd. conditions. Kolrlc sqrrcnl. A I-JIIIU or prtiun 01 a rolltc. ilsuully flown \\,ihoui an iriler- lledince stop. 'fheuc Snilrcls arlrl Ieconl-cllecl l'rictices irc tplilitlle on ntl illler I April 195-I., to the cullection iirlrl dis- scnlination of lerrni1u ticill inlorltion for intcrniiionl civil 'ivioaiol. lIrcll Contrlclinl SIIL shall 1rovidc art le-ontlticl inrtrrrtitn scrvicc. 3.1.1 1\11 erulaticll in forma- tion scrvicc shall collect, coll.ie, eclil and 111blis11 cronluticll irforntiol cou- ccrning thc tcrritry for which ir hils bee11 nlorle responsille Iy thc Stiric, ant1 this nhlI ilclulc b thr oligini tion uf NOl'ilMS. 3.1.2 rln ieronauticni inforlra- tioi scrvice ahill, in iiddirion, otjiain in- fornlition to cliblr ir to provide pre-tligllt and in-flight inIorlnlion sc.vicc b Iron1 nt.hcr soi1rrcs that mly IJC avilill.lc. Nolc.--0ac srch snurcc is the srrljrcl r,/ rr prozlision in 6.2.1. Prohibited tiria. A l,ccilicd nrcn within 3.1.3- An acroniiicill inforna- he Iilrl rirtrls nT a Site or territorial tion scrvicc shll 11-1rlc tvailallc lo the wiitcrs it0jrcnl. I hcrcio ovcr wlrirh thc rerontlticll info.nitinn ser\,iccu of other flikli 01 ilir-fl i 111-ol1il1iicd. Stltcs my IICIIIIIOII IICCSSII- for IIIC 3.1.4 i\n acronutical inlrn- tion scrvicc shill1 enslire thit inforiilit neccsstry ltlr the slfcty, rugulrity or efficiency of air navigation is vlilallc in 1 form suitlblc lor thc ol,criltionll rcquircnents of U flight perrtiolls ICSOIIC ill- clutling flig11 crcws an11 the scrvices responsil,le Tor I,rc-flight iniorllaitn nd b the services ronsiliie for if- fliglt infornllio. 3.2.1 Ich Contrlctit Stiie shall take ill rcasontble measul.cs 10 ensure that the inlormiricn it plavilrs relating lo its own tcrriiol-. is atlcclallc and accurilte. 3.2.2 \eronxici infirrli ri011 l,lblislled for ant1 or1 bchllI of I SIIL shall clearly isdicate tlr-it is Iublilc.tl 111tler the authority ol 111i1r SIL. No1e.-l'llir Sltrnrlorrl .ijclrrdrs lhc cisc it/' slroicc.s upunlod jointly ur by dclestrtrd trgrlhorily rlcstrhcd ,ir he h'nlr 10 3.1. 3.2.3 /\erotirl IIOIIILII obtillcI ltlcr 3.1.2 o shill, when tlis- scniniiccl. Ijc. clerrl ilcntiiiecl as having the trthorit of the Slaw uf origin. 8.3.1 Ich slate shall tlcsignale the officc 01. olhces tu which Acrorilticil Infornaion Pltbliuatinlrh nrl NOrl'\h.lS arc LO 1-e il1ressecl . 3.3.2 \Vhc-e i Slle lcsigiirc.s more IIII unc Intc.nitioil NO'l'11kl Office, i shnli tlcline tllu cxtenr ril 1-1.- spcnsililiy nnil he trritcjry -ovcrrrl I. eiclr ofticc. 3.3.3 \TI siOi Licii iiorlllii- tion service shall ll-rnr-, IS ncccsitry, to '1 / 12/57 No. I
3.3.4 cOXMENIIATKO- grarios, and health ckenranccs at inter- b i\tiluctcr seltin procedures. ,Ttutc3s zhalcld autharize direct corrlacl btloscn asronarticnl irjbrtrnbion ssrrdczs in ordzr lo focililalt. litd escra-,e ,f am- trcl riliinl iqforrlniion. nfitlorral airports, C Zir track scrviccs scheme includ- infi' rltscription of b 9etailcd description of aerodronies available for use by iitarnaiioral corn- ncrcial air tailspori for i.rilffic, tec111-ical or livc.siunary purpascs. 4 flight itIorrnation regions, con- trol areas and advivory arcne includ- iny airways and advisory routes 3.3.5 RHCOUNENDAOX. -- TIM i,rtcrchangs of aeronaii.ical irfirnrution srrld be on a jrce basis o7d al Icnsl one copy of mh Aerorranltcal . Irzjorrc.lion P,bicrltiotr atrd nine,rttw,.nLs ldla lki3i 54s lec rcprccsted by cn iroiiai PI- jrrrdkiorr serice xhirld be tifdl vdilabll without charge. ii controlled aerodromes and con- trol zonee. c 'ricf desctipticrr. of aeronautical bracors incl II ing acrodrornc beacons, hazard Leacoiis, idcntiiication beacons arrd c.ther ighi beacons designating a geogl-nphcrl pcsitio. d Elolling. approach and departure .pnccdures. el i\irspct rcstriclions -- prohibited, rcstriccd arlcl darlger areas au specified in Appciltlix I. .Z.E..l.t.t R.cMEND.'I'OX. - A 3rirf descriicrz LIJ uerodromcs likely r'o be FACLITATION FAL. Elitry and tralsit oi civil aircraft on iotcrnational flights. ciscri by I',ternacionn civil cviatiorz should ulso hc itrdudeli. 5.4.3 RECOMMENBATC,.--- Actonuuticol .Tnfsntation .Ptrbiicallorlr ad 7'.4 Jf5' lor .i,rtt.rrznliono d.islv.Lrai.ion shorld ilrclrrda dn Erglisi rrS iol, Sir,ss pnvls exsszd in plain lungunge.. iJolz.-This k5t. is tot re2ired f a d.dailrrl scr.ifili in accmdanzc with 4.d.Y.l b j 3 prcuidcd .for 1 nero2romes. CIMI.UNICLTIONS COM. o Desciiption of the areae of re- eponsibility lor search and rescue operations, the descrlptiot of rescue coordination centres and location of rescue units. .3.4.2 Place narneu shall be spelled il conformity with locni usage, transliterated, when Ilecessarr, ktc the Latin alphabet. a Utscriljtiorl of station providing ac-oriurical rrilbile and/or aerolautical navigalion services, and selected public hroadrmsting stations. b Any special prowdures to be ern- ployed by aircraft in distress, ilcludiny EII\Y to be nsed in conlrnuricatiore tetrveen rescue aircraft and aircraft in distress. Irj Dtscripticn of stations associated with st.iill lavigakion systems LORAN, GEE, DEUCA, eec.. 3.4.3 'ECLSIM'CINDATIN.-.- Bimcnsicttul. unllls ised in the iss,wi.nuiion of ueuiartical ,irnrtion should ba cos- sistcirt with tkc cision tukzfi 1.31 ihe Stale ill respect of ilre Else oJ ill. Tables ron1nint.d jn Anncx S 60 the Cblrwerrbiot. 4.1.i.3 RZrrooocu METI'. A briel rfrsciption of iiereorological ersficea provided lor irrernaliunal aviation. 4.1.2 RECOMMENDATION.- Churls, maps or diurams should be uscd, yrhan apfiropriatc, lo complsment the hbululions or texl of At7ona-uticul Informa- tion Pi1f.icaliorls. Note.-An approved list uj abbrcviuio.t nr iit prspuratiofr for ullimaie iclrision cn the .IIcx. i Ihc nreontirnc a 4fst of abbreuiulions is givor in .llcknzdtI F, Nola I.-Lhrls prodlrced toqformity tuith Annex ,4-Aeronautical Charts, 63- Pecinlly Chuplrs 6, 7, 9 and 11 my be usd lo frnlfil I,hi rsquarattrstrt. Chap tcr 4.-erona uticul Infornution Publications Nore 2.-When a chart,, nrap or diagram which pruuides all ha irlformotim p8- scrihcd for one subjeci is includd dn an Acrofiauiical InJorntatian Publicutiun, no ltl or orher dcscriplion is rcquired, 4.1l Aerorratrical inl'crrnatiqr. Publications shall contain information relaiirlt to, and arrarlged urder the sub- jectii cllumcratcd hereio 4.1.3 RBCOMMENQATION.- Each vnlutne shortld conhin a summary qf he jollnuing iwjormubio a the urea of r.esponsibilily for the acranaulical ijorsmlion service b llre poslul and telegraphic ndbreares of the aerorrautica2 anJorrnation services and its major components Nott 2.-Thu irfurnlo.tiors troy ba can- iolidufcd irk ancl rrolrrnrn or rrtay he phlisherl tn seicral volumes. a l.t.lcs of the air .wd air traffic c Jslails oj pvblishd oeronauticor' d'ttJornrution o.nd how L may be obtained d a list oj clnrorlroms a which fire- Pighl idformalion is availnble atid 6ha colarap aona trpplicubla to each infor ma- liotr rrtil. 1/12/57 No. I
Annex 15-Aeronautical information Sewices 7 4.2.-Speclfien tlona 4.2.7 RECOMMENDATION.- Tabulations and lists of facilities should ba arranged alpht5ctically. 1 Prcsencd of jreb or xed balloons or 0th uncontolld aircrajt 4.2.1 Each Aerorautical In- lormation Publication shall be aell- contained and shall include a table of Con tente. j mass mwtrhents oj aircraft k military manctruurcs which may afect air nuvigalinn 4.2.8 RECOMMENDATION. - The sheet siw shouid be 21 x 27 cellimctres 8 x 10 inches except that larger sheetr may bs used provided they are jolded to tho same .siza. 1 changes in Ih6 status of search and resclro service 4,2.1.1 RECOMMENDATION.- When a number of Aerortautical Infirmation Publications aru issired as a sitrde valutne, a table of contents for Je volrrmo should be included. m interruption or return Lo opcrrtiota of Jig beacons aid lights mask.ing obstrrrclions to air navigation 4.2.9 RECOMMENDATION. - In- dex maps and diogtams inclzlded in Aerorrautical Information P.ublicationr should conrply with Appendix 2. 4.2.2 RECOMNDATION. - The publicalions s1ould bc published dn loose- Ioajjorm unless the cotoplele PulJicalion is ts-issued at frequent intervals. n changer is enlry rqulutions ra- quiring nnmcdiate action o allailability of new 7rrccps and charls Chapter 5.-NOTAMS p any other sigrri/icanC circutnstuncs, 4.2.3 . Aeronauticnl Information Publicatione shall be nmended or re-igsued at such intervale as nlity be necessary to keep them up-to-date. 5.1.2 RECOLNBNDATION .- NOT.4 MS concerlciizg forcstrca ble condiliorrs sh'otld, rulref possible, ha or.igi7rattd suJ jicitnlly irr advance of thtr occltrrence to enob1 appropriate action lo be taken by all concerned. 5.1.1 A NOTAM uhall be orig- inated and insued promptly .whenever the information to be diuseluinated either ia of B temporary natrlre or would not be made available with suficient rapiclity by RLCOMENDATION.- Arnendmenls shozrld be issned in the form of replacement sheets. the issue of, or amendment to, aa AIP RECOMMENDATION.-- NOTAMS concerriing any clraagcs in pro- cedures Jar air ruuiul.ion tlral would rrectss.itutn cirtrfiecs in opcrulitrg racfic,es, shozld be irszred srficiently ,in advance of the cJ'clie dntd to permit aircraft operators to nrake adqziofe orm7gerracr1ts. 4.2.4 Each Acronauticat In- formation Publicatior shall bc dated. In the case of Aeronautical Information Publications issued in loose-leaf form, each page shall be dated. The date shall in-. dicate clearly the day, nkorlth ,and year when the aeronautical inlorlnatiol wab laet confirmed. Recouna.rio. - The need for oiinution oj a NOTAM should be corsidered in nny oj the jollowing cir- cumstances a the uslallisbrricnt or wiihdrawal of elsclroric and osher aids to air navtga- .ti071 and aerodroncs 4.2.5 RECOMENDATION. - A ckecIist giving the crrrrenl dale of each Page in tlrs Aeronautical' Itafurmaliors Pldlica- lion series slrortld be issued Periodically lo assist the user in mmintaiting -6 currerrt pubticalion, unless the Publication is ro-issued frequently, b irzterruption or vt.tur do ufiefiLion, ckonee of frcqrrcacics, clratzge of idcnGii- catior, clrutage of orientution dGccfionul aids, churge of locution, POWET increase or decrease alorrtrtiry lo 50 per cent or store, cbilnbo 1 boilcast schcdults or corrtcrrtr, or ,irrqulnrity or u71feliability of oicrtrli,tfi 03' uny electronic aid lo air nuwigutiarr, und air-ground cvtrtrc-iiwicrr- tioii seruiccs 5.2.1 A NO'I'AhI hall be give either Class I distribution or Class distribution or both. A NO'I-AM shall he give11 Class I distributiol when the infornlntion is of direct operatioal ainilicance to addressees who cannot he give11 uufhcicntly rapid notification by other nleans. 4.2.6 . RECOMMENDATION.- hch 'Aerqnalrticul injovttrctivn Pliblica- lion islded as a bolrid volrrrre and each Pug8 of un Aerotarrtical Izjorination PlbEica- tiqn issued in lonsc-loaf forrrr slrotrld be so annotated as Lo clearly i7dicale G ittrrrplio of or . returs to opera- tion 01 uerodromd 1.ighlfng systtmni A NOTAM shall be give11 Clan8 I I distribution a whelcver it does not qunlify lor Clam 1 divtribuion urder the corrditios established by or b when the duraLiull of circun- stallcefi hocified by a Clan I distribution WCTIIB onfrrnlatiun. a the identity of ths AeronauticaB Injorttation Publicutlon e occrrcncc or correction of dejects /n the rnorrenrclrt area b territory coverrd and srcbdivisions wtren trecessary f presence or rerrroval of hazurdorts conditions duo to snow, ice or wafer on the itroveietct area c identijcution of isrititrg Slatc and producinl orani3nlio.n ntltlrority d'pnge nmbcrs, when applicubls e dctree bf reliability ij the t'tifotnra- tion is doublfrrl. 5.2.2 Tlic ucrolrilticlI fixed telccornticrtion nlctwurk AFTN, ehnll, whenever practicblc, lo nploycd h, ckutrges in pmcedtlrer jar air trafic, air nnvigatiot, axd irslrrrneni approuch-to-lntad proccdurbs lor Clnns I distriilrtiolh. 1/12/57 No. i
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