Published in separate English, French and Spanish editions by the Internutional Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and srbscriptions, should be uddressed to the Secretary General of ICAO, International Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montreal 101, Quebec, Canada. Orders for this publication should be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance by bank draft or post office money order in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed or in a freely convertible currency Australia Robertson and Mullens, 107 Peru Representante de la OACI, Oficina Elizabeth Street, Melbourne 3000. Sudamerica, Apartado 4127, Lima. Canada Information Canada, Ottawa, On- Senegal Representant de I'OACI, Bureau tario. Afrique, Boite postale 2356, Dakar. Sweden C. E. Fritzes Kungl. Hovbokhan- Representan de I'OAC1' Bureau del, Fredsgatan 2, Box 16356, Stockholm 16. Europe, 3biS, villa Emile-Bergerat, Neuilly- sur-Seine Seine. Thailand ICAO Representative, Far East and Pacific Office, PO. Box 614, Bangkok. India Oxford Book and Stationery Co., Scindia House, New Delhi or 17 Par.k Street, United Arab Republic ICAO Represen- Calcutta. tative, Middle East and Eastern African Office, 16 Hassan Sabri, Zamalek, Cairo. Japan Japan Civil Aviation Promotion Foundation, No. 38 Shiba Kotohira-Cho, United Kingdom Her Majesty's Stationery Minato-Ku, Tokyo. Office, P.O. Box 569, London, S.E. I. International Civil Aviation Organization Attention Distribution Officer, International Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montreal 101, Quebec, Canada. Do you receive the lCAO BULLETIN The ICAO Bulletin contains a concise account of the activities .of the Organization as well as articles of interest to the aero- nautical world. The Bulletin will also keep you up to date on the latest lCAO publications, their contents, amendments, supplements, corri- genda, and prices. Available in three separate editions English, French and Spanish. Annual subscription U.S. 5.00.
1. Among the aims and objectives of ICAO is to foster the planning and development of international air transport so as to meet the needs of the peoples of the world for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport, to prevent economic waste caused by un- reasonable competition, and to avoid discrimination between Contracting States. TO that end the Council is authorized to conduct research into all aspects of air transport which are of international importance and to study any matters affecting the organization and operation of international air transport, including the international ownership and op- eration ot international air services on trunk routes. The Convention specifically authorizes Member States to participate in joint operating organizations or in pooling arrangements, and the Council is even authorized to suggest to Contracting States the formation of such organizations. 2. The introduction of a new generation of aircraft, namely, high capacity and supersonic aircraft, is going to increase the problems of competition in international air transport, particularly with regard to small airlines. Some of these airlines might wish to participate in various forms of co-operative arrangements as a means of solving their present and future competition problems. The availability of detailed and up-to- date information on the various forms of co-operation in international air transport that exist or that might be undertaken might be of assistance to States interested in forming international operating organizations or participating in other co-operative arrangements. 3. This Circular publishes the Treaty on Air Transport, Yaounde 1961, which established Air Afrique. Note This Circular has been translated into English and Spanish by ICAO. -
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