Doc 7515. Издание 4
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Doc 7515/4 Approved by the Assembly and issued by authority of the Secretary General October 1959 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION w t Y 1 THE ICAO FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Fourth Edition effective 1 January 1960 Zncorporating all amendments approved by the Twelfth Session of the Assembly under Reso-- lution Al2-35, with effect from 1 January 1960. This document replaces Doc 7515/3 issued in November 1958.
io wte En3kh. Fd and Spanil edition6 by Lhc lntmnatid Civil Avttibn Emqmxm. exqpt subptiou, shou. addm ta of ICAO, 1ntaaltMnal Aviatron Buildmg, 1080 Unrvcmly Strctr. Montreal Canada. 22s r far ahis pubtition shiuld be scat ta one of the following addresses, together with the appmpria ranituna by bank draft or post offke money order in Lhc cum of Lhc counVy in which Lhc ark b piaced or in r freely coavtrlibk cum F- epbw de IOAU, umu ArgenthrP Editorial Su- U, Calfc EuropaMriqut. 60 bin, avcnuc d'lina, Parii A- 500. Buenos Ah Ea Rcprrsentantc dc la OAU, Oficina Sudadria, Apariado 4127, Lima. Tbibd lCA0 kpresmttitivc, Far East and PociCic 0- P.0. Box 614, Bangkok. Uldted Arab Re- ICAO Representative, MiddkEast16H9rcanSabZamalck, CPira hstda Robcrlson and Mullens, 107 Elin- beth Street. Melbourne. C. 1. Indh Oxford Book Slatiorbwy Co, Scindh House. New Delhi ur 17 Park Street, Calcutta. Mexico Editorial Hermco SA, Ignacio MaM4 1. MCxico 4. DS. United Kingdom Her Maws Wi Ofibq P.O. Box 569, London. SE I. htrmubd CJdl Ahtlo Oxgmhth Attention Distribution ORbu. Intamationat Avbth Buildin 1060 Univerdty Street, Montreal Canadah Do you subscribe to the ICAO BULLETIN The IChO Bulletin contains a concise account of the activities of the Organization as weH as artides of interest to the mnautical world. It enables you to k your ICAO publications up to date. T Amendments, supp ernente and corrigenda to ICAO sabble publications are regularly announced in the BuUetfII. A..D.Ma in thrac -ta edltlonm EnglJuh, Freoch and S-h. 8ukafp tloat 2- Kumdhn per year.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I - Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article I1 - Finance Committee of the Council. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Article III Financial Year . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Article IV - The Budget.. , ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article V - Appropriations . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Article VI - Provision of Funds . . . . . . . . . . . , Article VII - Establishment and Administration of Funds.. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article VFII - Joint Financing of Air Navigation Facilities and Services . . . , . . , . . Article IX - Depositories and Investments . . . Article X - Internal Control and Audit . , . . . , Article XI - Accounts and Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Article XII - External Audit . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Article XIII - Suspension and Amendment . . . . .
ICAO FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Article 1 APPLICABILITY 1. 1 These Regulations shall govern the financial administration of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Article I1 FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL 2. 1 For the purpose of assisting it in administering the finances of the Organization, the Council shall appoint a Finance Committee which shall be chosen from among the Representatives of the mem- bers of the Council and which shall be responsible to it. The Fi- nanc e Committee shall - a exercise the functions assigned to it by these Regulations b make such examinations of the Organization as it deems necessary for ensuring that the amounts voted are properly spent and that the most efficient and economical method of carrying out the approved programme is observed and c deal with any matter referred to it by the Council. 2.2 The poceedings of the Finance Committee shall be gov- erned by Rules of Procedure established by the Council. Article III FINAN CLAL YEAR 3. 1 The financial year shall be the period 1 January to 3 1 December inclusive. Article fV THE BUDGET 4. 1 Budget estimates for each financial year proposed by the Secretary General shall be submitted by him to the Council.
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