Published in English, French and Spanish by the International Civil Aviation Organization Montreal, Canada 1953 Ode for ICAO publications should be sent, on payment In Canadian currency , to Secretary General, ICAO International Aviation Building 1080 Univerrity Street Montreal, Canada Cable addressr ICAO MONTREAL la French currency Fr. , to ICAO Representative EUROPEAN AND AFRICAN OFFICE 60 his avenue d'Ibna Paris 16e, France Cable address ICAOW PARIS ki Egyptian currency L. E., to ICAO Representative MIDDLE EAST OWICE Wadie Saad Building Sharia Salah I3 Dine Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt Cable address ICAOREP CAIRO In Peruvian currency soles, to ICAO Representative SOUTH AMERICAN OFFICE Apartado 680 Lima, Penr Cable addresst ICAOW LIMA ki Thai currency hahb, tn ICAO Representative FAR FAST AND PACIFIC OFMCE Sala Santitham, Rajadamnoen Ave. Bangkok, Thailand Cable address ICAOREP BANGKOK ki Sterling or Irish currency s/d, to Her Majesty's Stationery Office P. 0. Box 569 London, S.E. 1, Enghd Cable address WHOLECORN, SEDIST, L-ON ki AustraUan currency s/d, to Roberbon and Mullena 107 Eliztbeth Street Melbdtme, C. 1, Australia Cable address SCRIPSCMUS MELBOURNE In Argentine currency pa, to Editorial Sudamedcam, S.A. Calle Alsinsi 500 Buenos Aires, Argentina Cable address LIBRECOL BUPNOS AIRES ki IadLan currency Fb., to Oxford Book and Stntionery Company Scindia House New Delhi, Xndia
STANDING RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE INTERNATIONAL CML AVIATION ORGANIZATION Adopted under reeolution A6-12, and incorporating the amendment adopted by the Assembly at its Seventh Seseion, on 17 June, 1953. Rule 1 The Assembly shall meet annually and shall be convened nndina by the Council at a suitable time and place Convention, Article 48 a. Rule 2 The Assembly may hol' extraordinary sessions at any time Extraordtaarg upon the call of the Council or at the request, addressed to ""'aB the Secretary G-eneral, of any ten Contracting States Con- vention, Article 48 a. Delegations and their Credentials Rule 3 All Contracting States shall have an equal right to be Rcpreseolatioo represented at the sessions of the Assembly Convention, Ebetiw Article 48 b. No person shall represent more than one State. Rule 4 Delegatioas of Contkadting States may be composed of Dclegationa of delegates, alternates and advisers. One of the delegates shall szctiq be designated as the Chief Delegate. In case of his absence the Chief Delegate may designate another member of his Delegation to serve in his stead. Rule 5 Non-contracting States and internationaI organizations duly Ohacnsrs of invited by the Council, or by the Assembly itself, to attend ,"t",,- a session of the Assembly may be represented by observers. national organ- Where a Delegation consists of two or more observers, one of hatione them shall be designated as "Chief Observer".
Rub 6 cdentid" Credenti.lm a Delegations shall be provided with credentials eigned ommittcs on behalf of the State or organization concerned, by a person duly authorized thereto, specifying the name of each member of the Delegation and indicating the capacity in which he ie to serve. The credentials shall be deposited with the Secretary General. b A Credentials Committee shall be established at the beginning of the Session. It shall consist ,of five members representing five Contracting States nominated by the President of the Assembly, and the representative of each such State shall be designated by the Chief Delegate concerned. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman. It shall examine the credentials of members of Delegations and report to the Assembly without delay. Rub 7 EligibWy for Participation ia Any member of a Delegation shall be entitled, pending the Meetinas uresentation of a rewort bv the Credentials Committee and - kssembly action thergon, toattend meetings and to participate in them, subject, however, to the limits set forth in these Rules. The Assembly may bar from any further part in its activities any member of a Delegation whose credentials it finds to be insuficient. SECTION 111-OFFICERS Rule 8 Prrsident The Assembly, as soon as practicable after the commencement of a session, shall elect its President, who 'shall preside over the plenary meetings of the Assembly. Until such election, the President of the Council shall act as President of the Assembly. Rule 9 Vie-Residents and aimmn of The Assembly shall elect four Vice-presidents and the Commido Chairmen of the Commissions referred to in Section V. SECTION IV-AGENDA Rule 10 Proviaiod Agenda and a The provisional agenda. prepared by the Council for .4ddition of an annual session shall be communicated to Contracting States Item thereon so as to reach them at least ninety davs before the openine of the session. Subject to paragaph - d hereof, thd basi documentation including Budget proposals, Council's Report to the Assembly, and supporting documentation on questions of general policy, air transport matters and air navigation matters, shall be communicated by such means as will ensure, apart from unforeseen contingencies, that they will be received by Contracting States at least fifty days before the date of the opening of the session.
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