Бандл: Annex 6. Часть 2. Издание 11. Operation of Aircraft. Part II. International General Aviation. Aeroplanes
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This edition supersedes, on 3 November 2022, all previous editions of Part II of Annex 6.

The Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 6, Part II, are applicable to international general aviation operations with aeroplanes.

The Standards and Recommended Practices represent minimum provisions and, together with those of Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I — International Commercial Air Transport — Aeroplanes, now cover the operation of all aeroplanes in international civil aviation, except in aerial work operations.

It will be noted that the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 6, Part II, when applied to the operation of large aeroplanes, are less stringent than those in Annex 6, Part I, applicable to the same or similar aeroplanes when used in commercial air transport operations. Nevertheless, it is considered that, in conjunction with existing provisions in Annexes 1 and 8, Annex 6, Part II, ensures an adequate level of safety for the operations envisaged for the large aeroplanes in question. In this connection attention is drawn to the point that the entire performance Standards of Annex 8 are applicable to all aeroplanes of over 5 700 kg mass intended for the carriage of passengers or cargo or mail for international air navigation, of which the prototype was submitted for certification on or after 13 December 1964. Moreover, by virtue of Annex 1 the pilot of an aircraft certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots must hold a type rating for that aircraft type.

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