Check-list of Amendments to Annex 10, Vo1.L Date of Applicability 7/12/72 16/8/73 23/5/74 23/5/74 Third Ed1 t ion incorporating Amendments 1 to 50 Amendment 5 1 zdopted by the Council on 11 December 1972 Amendment 52 adopted by the Council on 31 May 1973. Amendment. 53 adopted by the Council on 7 December 1973. Eff ec'tive Date 24/7/72 11/4/73 1/10/73 7/4/74 Amendment 54 approved by the Council on 17 June 1974. Amendment 55 adopted by the Council on 4 February 1975. Amendment 56 adopted by the Council on 12 December 1975. Amendment 57 adopted by the Council on 16 June 1976. Amendment 58 adopted by the Council on 27 June 1977 Amendment 59 adopted by the Council on 14 December 1977 Replacement pages 4, .5-8D, 11, 12, 41, 91, 92, 117, 119, 181 and 183. See Foreword 4/6/75 12/4/76 16/l0/76 27/10/77 14/4/78 9/10/75 12/8/76 6/10/77 23/2/78
AMENDMENT 59 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Annex 10, Vol. I, to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following new and replacement pages in Annex 10, Vol. I Third Edition, to incorporate Amendment 59 which becomes applicable on 10 August 1978. a Page 4 b Pages 5 to 8D c Pages 11, 12 and 41 - Table of Contents - Foreword - Part I d Pages 91 and 92 - Attachment B to Part I e Pages 117 and 119 - Attachment C to Part I f Page 183 - Attachment C to Part TI 2. Delete by hand the word "END" from page 181. 3. Record the entry of the Amendment on page 2.
TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I PART I.-EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS ................ CHAPTER 2.-Radio Navigation Aids ........ 2.1.-Aids to Final Approach, and Landing . '. ....................... 2.2.-Short-Distance Aids ........................... 2.3.-Radio Beacons ....................... 2.4.-Long-Distance Aids 2.5.-Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR ........... ............... 2.6.-Distance Measuring - General .................. 2.7.-Ground and Flight Testing 2.8.-Provision of Information on the Operational ............. Status of Radio Navigation Aids 2.9.-Secondary Power Supply for Radio Navigation ............ Aids and Communication Systcms CHAPTER 3.-Specifications for Radio Navigation Aids . . ..................... 3.1 .-Specification for ILS 3.2. -Specification for Precision Approach Radar System ................................ 3.3.-Specification for VHF Omnidirectional Radio ........................... Range CVOR 3.4.--Specification for Non-Directional Radio Beacon ................................ DB 3.5.-Specification for UHF Distance Measuring quipment ME ....................... 3.6.-Specification for En-Route VHF Marker Beacons 75MHz .............................. 3 -7 .- Cons01 System Charactaistics .............. 3.8.-Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR System Characteristics .......................... 3.9.-System Characteristics of Airborne ADF Receiv- ...................... ing Systems ..... 3 . 10.-Loran4 System Characteristics ............. ............... CHAPTER 4.-Communication Systems ............................. 4.1.-Definitions 4.2.-Technical Provisions Relating to Teletypewriter Apparatus and Circuits Used in the AFTN ..... 4.3.-Terminal Equipment Associated with Aeronaut- ical Radioteletypewriter Channels Operating in the Band 2.5 MHz to 30 MHz .............. 4.4.-Teletypewriter Broadcast Systems in the Band ..................... ll0kRzto 130kHz 4.5.-AuGround VHF Communication System Characteristics .......................... 4.6.-System Characteristics of the Ground Installa- tion .................................. 4.7.-System Characteristics of the Airborne Installa- tion .................................. 4.8.-SELCAL System ........................ 4.9. -'System Practices ........................ 4.10.-Technical Provisions Relating to AT Message ........................... Ttansmission 4.1 1 .-Single Side-Band SSB HF Radiotelephone Communication System Characteristics for Use in the Aeronautical Mobile Service ........... 4.1 2.-Technical Provisions Relating to International GroundCround Data Interchange at Medium and Higher Signalling Rates ................. 4.1 3.-Technicai Provisions Relating to International Air- Ground Data Interchange ................ ............ 5 CHAPTER 5 .--Survival Radio Equipment 5.1.-Specification for VHF Survival Radio Equipment ........ Operating on 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz CHAPTER 6.-Emergency Location Beacon . Aircraft ELBA for Search and Rescue ............. ........ 9 6.1.-Specification for VHF -Emergency Location Bea- cons . Aircraft for Search and Rescue Operating 10 .............. on 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz PART 11.-RADIO FREQUENCIES CHAPTER 2.--Distress Frequencies .................. 2.1 .-Frequencies for Survival Radio Equipment ..... 2.2.-Search and Rescue Frequencies .............. 2.3.-Frequencies for Emergency Location Beawns - Aircraft ELBA for Search and Rescue ....... CHAPTER 3.-Utilization of Frequencies below 30 MHz . . 3.1 .-Method of Operations ..................... 3.2 .-Tolerances .............................. 3.3.-NDB Frequency Management ............. CHAPTER 4.-Utilization of Frequencies above 30 MHz . . 4.1.-Utilization in the Band 117.975.136 MHz ...... 4.2.-Utilization in the Band 108-1 17.975 MHz ...... 2 8 ATTACHMENTS TO ANNEX 10 . VOLUME I 37 37 ATTACHMENT A To PART 1.-Recommendations of Council Concerning the Utilization of Facilities, Re- 3 8 .............. search. Development and Evaluation 1 ..Utilization of Facilities not Covered by Annex 10 . 6 2 62 2.. Research Development and Evaluation of Radio Aids to Air Navigation ...................... 63 ATTACHMENT B TO PART 1.-Guidance Material Related 6 3 to the Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR System Characteristics ............................... 63 1 ..Facilities ................................. 2..Performance Objectives ...................... 64 3.-Factors Affecting Optimum Utilization of the System .................................. 65 4.-Considerations on the Application of the SSR System .................................. .......... 65 5.-SSR Decoding and Display Facilities 6.-Automatic Conversion of Presswe-Altitude Data to 66 Altitude ................................. 66 ATTACHMENT C TO PART I.-Information and Material 6 7 for Guidance in the Application of the Standards and 67 Recommended Practices in Annex 10 .... ......... .............................. 68 I ..Introduction 2..Material Concerning ILS Installations ........... 3..Material Concerning VOR .................... ............. 68 4.-Precision Approach Radar System 5.-Specification for 75 MH2 Marker Beacons En- route ................................... .................... 70 6.-Material Concerning NDB 7.-Material Concerning DME .................... 8.-Material Concerning Power Supply Switch-over 7 4A Times ...................................
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