Annex 10. Vol 1. Edition 4
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Annex 10, Volume I 4th Edition Corrigendum 16/8/03 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANNEX 10 TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION VOLUME I FOURTH EDITION - 1985 CORRIGENDUM 1, Replace existing page 152, dated 11/11/93, by the attached new page bearing the notation "Corr" 2, Record the entry of this corrigendum on page ii of Annex 10, Volume I.
PART I1 - RADIO FREQUENCIES CHAPTER 1. DEFINITIONS When the following terms are used in this Part of the Annex, thcy have the following meanings Alternatbe means of communication. A means of com- muilication provided with equal status, and in addition to the primary means. Double channel simplex. Simplex using two frequency channels, one in each direction. Note.- This method was sonzetimes referred to CS Cross- band. Duplex. A method in which telecommunication between two stations call take placc in both dircclions sirnultaneausly. Operational control communications. Comrnunicalions required for the exercise of aulbority over the imtjation, continuation, diversion or termination of a Bight in the interest of the safcty of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of a flight. Nore.- Such communicatbns nm normally reyucredfor the exchange of messages behveen aircraft and aircraft operating agencies. Prirnaty means of communication. The means of cornmu- nication to be adopted normally by aircraft and ground stations as a first choice where alternative means of communication exist. Simplex. A method in which telecommunication between two stations lakes place in one direction at a time. Frequency channel. A continuous portion at' the frequency Note.- IH application to the Aerorautical Mobile Service, spcctrum appropriate hr a. transmission urilizing a specified class of emission. this method may be subdivided as follows U sinxle channel simplex - Note.- The classficution of emissions and information b double channel simplex relnwnt to the portion of the frequency spectrum appropriate for a given type oJ rrmsrnission- bandnlidths ure-speced in C qrset frequenq sintplex. ' the Radio Renulalions. Article 4 RR 264 to RR 273 inclusive. u Single channel simplex. Simplex using the same frequency Offset frequency simplex. A variation of single channel channel in each direction. simplex wherein telecommunication between two stations is effected. by using in each direction frequencies that are inten- VHF air-ground data link. Two-way data communication tionally slightly different but contained within a in.the 118-137 MHz VMF bandabetween aircraft and aeronaut- spectrum alloted for the operation. ical stbtians ANNEX 10 - VOLUME I
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