COVER SHEET TO AMENDMENT 63 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES AERONAUTICAL . TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANNEX 10 TO 'tWZ CONVWNlWN ON INTERNATONAL CIVIL AVIATION VOLUME Il COUNICA PROCEDURES including thoee with PANS tatm me THIRD EDITION OF VOLUME I1 - JULY 1972 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION, of Amendments to Annex 10, Val. I1 Date of Applicability 7/12/72 16/8/73 Third Edition incorporating Amendments I to 50 Amendment 51 adopted by the Council on 11 December 1972. Amendments 52 and 53 affect only Volume I . .. . . Effective Date 24/7/72 11/4/73 Amendment 54 approved by the Council on 17 June 1974. Amendments 55 and 56 affect only Volume I Amendment 5 7 adopted by the Council on 16 June 1976. Amendment 58 adopted by the Council on 27 June 1977 Amendment 59 adopted by the Council on 14 December 1977 Amendment 60 adopted by the Council on 4 December 1978 Amendment 61 See Foreword 16/10f 76 27/10/77 14/4/78 4/4/79 adopted by the Council on 10 December 1979 Amendment 62 adopted by the Council on 14 December 1981 Amendment 63 adopted by the Council on 13 December 1982 Replacement pages 4, 6B, 7 to 9, 15 to 17, 20, 32C, 33 to 35, 41, 42, 47 to 49, 51, 5s 6110177 23/2/78 10/8/78 29/11/79 10/4/80 14 /4 /82 13/4/83 27/11/80 25/11/82 24/11/83
tq the International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures for Air Navigation Services AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMIlNICATIONS Annex 10, Vol. 11, to the Convention on Inte-rnational Civil Aviarion 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 10, Vol. I1 Third Edition, to incorporate Amendment 63 which becomes applicable on 24 Noveiuber 1983. a Page 4 - Table of Contents b Page 6B - Foreword c Pages 7 to 9,' - Standards and 15 to 17, 20, 32C, Recommended Practices 33 to 35, 41, 42, 47 to 49 and 51 d Page 55 - Attachment A. Record the entry of the Amendment on page 2.
TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD TO VOLUME 11 ............................. 5 --Interruption of Transmissions ill Progress . 27 -Corrections and Repetitions ............ 27 -Aclrno\ledgemeIt of Receipt ........... CHAPTER 1 .-Definitions 7 28 .............................. .-- RQ and BJZ Rlessages ................. 28 l . l .-Service s ................................... 7 -Endorsement of Messages 28 .............. 1.2.-Stations. .................................. 7 -Recordilg of Ulusual Delayis, Failure to 3 ..3.- Commutlication Methods .................... S Receive, etc ........................... 28 1.4.-Direction Fincling ........................... 8 -Transmissioi of Duplicate Messages ..... 28 1.5.-Teletypewriter Systems ...................... 8 -Cancellation of Messages ............... 28 1 .G.-Agencie s. .................................. 9 4.4.11 .-Teletypewriter Operating Proceclure - 1.7.-Frequencies. ............................... 9 General ................................ 28 1.8.-Miscelheous. ............................. 9 .................... -Station Identification 28 -.-Establishiiient of Teletypewriter Comnluni- CHAPTER 2,-.4dn1inistrative Provisions Relating to the In- ................................. cations 28 ternational.4ero11autical Telecommunication Service . 1.0 ................... -End-of-Line Functions 29 2.1.-Division of Service .......................... 10 -Duration of Transnissions 29 ............... 2.2.-Telecomtnunicatioi1s - Charges .............. 10 -Channel-check Transmissions ............. 29 2.3.-Hours of Service ............................ 10 10 4.4.12.-Normal Teletypewriter Transmissiol Pro- 2.4.-Spetvision. ............................... cedures ................................ 30 2.5.-Supertluous Transrtissions ................... 10 2.6.-Interference 10 -Form of Transmission - Teletypewriter ................................ Operation .............................. 30 -- Mcssagc Forlilat ........................ 30 CHAPTER 3.-General Procedures for the Internatioal -Reprocessing Procedures ................. 30 Aeroinutical Telecornunicatim Service ........... 11 -Acknowledgement of Receipt of . . 31 3.1 .-Genera 1. .................................. 1 1 4.4.13.-Action on Mutilated Messages Dctectecl in 3.2.-Extensions of Service and Closing Down of Teletypewriter Icelay- Stations ............ 31 Stations ................................... 11 4.4.14.-Correction of Errors during Tape Prepara- 3.3-Acceptance, Transmission and Delivery of tion ................................... Messages ................................... 11 32B 4.4.15.-Correction of Errors during Message Orig- 3.4.-Time System ............................... 12 ination in Cases where the Message is Flow- 3.5.-Record of C.ommunications .................. 12 irlg into the AFTN during Preparation ..... 32B 3.6.-Establish111ent of Radioconrnunication ........ 12 3.7.-1Jse of Abbreviations and Codes .............. 13 4.4.16.-Transmission ol ATS Messages Intended for ................ 3.8.-Cancellatio1 of Messages .................... 13 Use in an ATC Computer 32 -General .............................. 32B -Transmission by Direct or Omnibus non- CHAPTER 4.-.4eronautical Fixed Service AFS .......... 14 AFTN Channels using Low hIodulation 4 . 1 .-Genera 1. .................................. 14 Rate 5-unit Code ..................... 32B ... .............. 4.2.-ATS Direct Speech Circuits '. 15 4.4.17.-Predetermined Distribution System for AFTN 4.3.-Meteorological Operational Channels and Me- Messages ................. , .. .... .. 32B .. teorological Operational Telecommunication Networks ... 15 4.4.18.-Message Format - 7-unit Coded Character .... ......................... ........................ 4.4.-Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network Set 32C AFTN ................................... 15 ............... -Message Heading 32C 4.4. 1 .-Genera 1. ............................... 15 -Origin Line .................. 32E 4.4.2.-.Message Format - ITA-2 ................. 19 -Text ...................... 32F 4.4.3.-The Line.following.the.Headi11g ........... 20 4.4.19.- Action taken on Mutilated Messages 4.4.4.-Address. .............................. 20 4.4.5.-Origin. 22 in the 7-unit Coded Character Set ................................ detected in Computerized AFTN Relay 4.4.6.wText ................................... 22 Stations ................... ,32G 4.4.7.-Endi1lg. ............................... 23 4.4.20.- Transfer of AFTN Messages over Code and 4.4.8.-Tape Feed ............................. 23 Byte Independent Circuits and Networks . 32G 4.4.9.-Shortened Address, Diversion Indicator and Stripped Address ............... 23 ............... -Shortened Address 23 Ca, zly'rfi 5.-Aeronautical Mobile Service .............. 33 .............. -Diversion Indicator 24 5.1 .-Genera 1. .................................. 33 -Stripped Address ................ 24 -.c ategories . of Messages ...................... 33 4.4.10.-Manual Radiotelegraphy Morse Opera- ........................... -Order of Priority 33 .................... tion ................................... 26 -Cancellation of Messages 34 .................. -Transmitting Technique ............... 26 5.2.-Iiadiotelephon Procedures 34 -Calling .............................. 26 5.2.1 .-General. ............................... 34 ............................ 27 -Language to be Used 34 .................... -Message Transrnissio Procedure ........ 27 -Word Spelling in Radiotelephony .......... 34
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