Doc 7231. Издание 1
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2 doccrnonts ss defied in article I 3 working papers as defined in article IV 4 other publications listed in article V. ARTICLE III Documents 1 A doc-ument is a publication which is considered to have permanent character or special importance en3 which for this reason is slitable for dis- trib-ltion to all Contracti States 2 Bearing i mic3 the provision contained iil paragraph 1 of this article, the Assembly and the Council may direct that any paper subnited to them shoed be issued as a dacurnent, and 5e Secetary General may issue a paper as a docu- ment, either at his discretion or upon the zecorrimendition of a. representative body oi the Organization. 13 The Organizatori will psblish the following categories of documents a Docarients which rec.ord action by the Assembly or the Council i e - - documents embodying resolutions, decisions ar d recammenda- tions formally adopted by Ibe Assemhly or the Counr .12 and texts spproved by the Council for implementation by Coni.racting States - the minutes of ha Assembly anci the Co-mcil b Reports of meeings cocvered by tne Council - manilals providing guidance and information concernizig selected aspects of aeronautical acsivity. ar intended to izciiitate the uniform apliraticn of international standards and recommended practices - regional manuals, contaicing a tabulation of operating facilities and services approved foi use by operating personnel and civil avia- tion authorities these manuaIs to be maintained up-to-date by means of a periodical amendment. servi.e d The ICAO Lexicor, ni icrms used in connexion with civil aviation e A Weeklv List of dacuments and working papers this list will be issled each week and wiil list a docurrents and working papers issued during 'he preceding wick a Hcadqsarier s .andi as soon as prak'ticable , all working papers issued at meetings held ourside Montreal ARTICLE 11' Working Papers ij A wsrking paper is a publication intended to serve primarily as a basis or. aiscusion in, or sourcp of inforniation ior a meeting oi the Organization
DOC 7211 2q/ l l/5 1 2 Workins papers wlll normally be distributed only to the members of the body fo which they are prepared. No other general distribution will be made 3 At the discretion of the Secretary General, copies of working papers will also be supplied on specific request. 4 With the exception of copies retained in the archives of the Organiza- tion, stocks of working papers may be destroyed one year after the date of issue unless there is a need for retaining particular working papers for a longer period ARTICLE V Other publications The Organization will also publish 1 a Monthjy-Bul.letin giving a concise account of the activities of the Organization, with the addition of information of general interest to Contracting States and to the aeronautical world 2 other public information material. such as news releases and informa- ion pamphIets 3 ICAO Circulars. to disseminate specialized information of interest to Contrasting States, such as studies or notes based on statistics filed, sum- maries of treaties or agreements registered with the Organization, analyses, reproductions of, w extracts from documents submitted by Contracting States, reports on implementation of international standards and recommended practices, and related acts 4 Digests of Statistics, pr esenting statistics in the international civil aviation field, 5 an Index of ICAO Publications, providing a reference system to the publications of the Organization. to be kept up-to-date by means of periodical editions 6 a Catalogue of Publications, providing bibliographic information on all publications offered for sale by the Organization. ARTICLE VI Authoritv 1 Each publication will carry a clear indication stating the authority under which it is issued and the responsibility for textual content 2 If the text constitutes an officialwinion or act of the Organizatioil i. e. , onerhdt has received the final approval of the body ultimately responsible under the Convention this will be indic.ated 3 Any new category of publication not referred to in articles 111, IV and V herein will require the approval of the Council. 4 Any existing category of publication may only be discontinued by direction of the Council
DOC 723- 29/i151 ARTICLE VII ianauage 5.' Subject to other decisions made by the C.o'uncil, the publications of the Organ2za- tion will be issued in the following Languages 711 in Ennlish. French and Saninh - the, Convention on International Civil Aviation and Annexes thereto, and texts approved by the Council for implementation by all CntractingSta - the mirutes and documents of the Legal.Crnmittee - the repc-ts of Divisional Sessions - manuals of a world-wide character - documents and working papers for and from sessions of the Assembly and the Divisions - the text of draft Annexes or amendments to Annexes submitted to the Council for adopticn - the Rules of Procedure of the statutory bodies of the Organization - the ICAO Lexicon - the IGAO Digests of Statistics - the IGAO Circulars - the ICAO Monthly Bulletin and other public information publications 2 in the language or languages selected by the Council - documents and working papers for or from regional and special meetings - regional manuals 3j in English only - the minutes and woking papers of the Council, the Aip Navigation Commission, and the committees and working groups of the Council - the Index of ICAO Publications. ARTICLE YE11 Format The format of the publications of the Organization will conform to the rules and specifications laid down in Appendix A to these Regulations.
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