Doc 7231. Издание 3
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Doc 7231/3 Sxperseding Doc 7231/ 1 ICAO PUBLICATIONS REGULATIONS Incorporating all amendments to 15 April 1957 inclusive Published by authority of the Secretary General Third Edition - April 1957 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION
This Publication is issued in English, French and Spanish. Published in Montreal, Canada, b. the International Civil Ariation Organization. Correspondence concerning publicatiolls should be addressed to the Secretar. General of IC.\O, International .\viation Building, 1080 University Street, hlontreal, Canada. Orders for IC\O publications should be sent, on pa.ment In Cumdian currency 1, to In Thai currency batrts, to SECRETARY GENERAL, I CAO ICAO REPRESENTATIVE International Aviation Building Far East and Pacific Office Montreal, Canada Sala Santitham, Rajadamnwn Ave. Cabk dress ICAO MONTREAL Bangkok, Thailand Cabk dress ICAOREP BANGKOK In Argentine cuwency pesos, Lo In Egyptian currency L.E., to EDITORIAL SWDAMERICANA, S.A. ICAO REPRESEATIVE Calle AIsino 500 Middle East Office Buenos Aim Argentina Iadie Saad Building Cabk address LIBRECOL BUENOS AXRES Sharia Salah El Dine Zarnalek, Cairo, Egypt Cabk address JCAOREP CAIRO In A tcstraEbn currency s/d, to In French currency Fr., to ROBERTSON AND MULLENS 107 Eliibeth Street Melbourne, C. 1, Australia bk address CREPSIMUS MELBOURNE REPRESTAKT DE L'OACI Bureau Europe - Afrique 60 bis, avenue d'I4na Paris I, France In Indian currency Rs., to Cable dress.- ICAOREP PARIS OXFORD BOOK AXD STATIONERY COMPANY Scindia House New Delhi, India In Pmuviun currency sdes, to In Sterling or Irish currency s/d, Lo REPRESESTAXTE DE LA OACl Oficina Sudamericana HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE Xpartado 680 P.O. Box 569 Lima, Peru London, S.E. 1, England Cable address ICAOREP LIMA Cable address FYHOLECORN, SEDIST, LONDON
ICAO PUBLICATIONS REGULATIONS Third Edition Note. - The original text of these Regulations was approved by the Secretary General on 29 November 1951 pursuant to the authority given by the Council XIV-11 on 28 November 1951. Article 111 3Xc and Article VII 2 were amended as a resuh of Council's action of 19 June 1952 XVT -10 discon- tinuing the publication of Regional Manuals. Para- graph 3 a of Appendix C was amended on 15 April 1957 /see footnote 2 page 11/. The amended text that f constitutes the Thd Edition, which became applicable as from 15 April 1957 ad super- . sedes the Second EiWion Doc 72311 1. ARTICLE I Ptrrpose of ICAO publications The purpose of ICAO publications shall be the systematic and prompt dissemina- tion of information in concise form on the policies and activities of the Organization in order to 1 promote the fulfilment of the aims enunciated in the preamble to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 2 provide the States, the orgaas of ICAO and other users, with information concerning the work of the Organization in convenient form for their use 3 foster the participation and support of Contracting States and the interest of non-contracting States in the work of the Organization 4 promote an informed opinion concerning the wo of the Organization among governments and the general public, looking towards continued and effective collaboration in the field of international civil aviation
5 present clearly, accurately and concisely the progress of the Organization and te pdints upon which agreement has been reached and upon which action by States ir, compliance with ICAO decisions has been taken or is stil required. ARTICLE I1 Definition of Publications When used in these Regulations, the term publications designates any printed or duplicated material issued by the Organization, including 1 the Convention on International Civil Aviation the Annexes thereto comprising the international standards artd recommended practices adopted by the Council in accordance with this Convention and other international aero- nautical instruments published or reprinted by the Organization 2 documents as defined in article III 3 wozking papers as defined in article IV 4 other publications listed in article V. ARTICLE III Documents 1 A document is a publication whidh is considered to have permanent character or special importance and which for this reason is suitable for distribution to all Contracting States, 2 Bearing in mind the provision contained in paragraph f 1 of this articl, the Assembly and the Council may direct that any submitted to them should be issued as a document, and the Secretary General may issue a paper as a document, either at his discretion or upon the recommendation of a representative body of the Organization. 3 The Organization will publish the following categories of documents
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